Daily Bulletin, Thursday, May 12, 1994

IT WASN'T in this week's Gazette,
So no one's aware of it yet,
     But the deans went away
     To Kempenfelt Bay
As soon as the budget was set.

You got it: today is Limerick Day, honouring Edward Lear (born May 12,
1812).  To mark the occasion, I'm inviting limericks with a Waterloo flavour.
Send them to credmond@watserv1 by 4 p.m. today.  Kerry Mahoney of the
career urce centre has agreed to help judge; there are no prizes (unless
somebody wants to donate one), but meritorious verses will appear in the
Daily Bulletin tomorrow or the next day.

GONE AWAY:  Oh, yes, the deans.  UW's executive council is off on its annual
two-day "retreat" to Kempenfelt Bay resort near Barrie, to assess the past 
year and think about the major issues for 1994-95.  According to UW president 
James Downey, they'll also take a longer view, with one of their sessions being
a discussion of the institutional planning process that's about to start.

The president also said that the retreat will take a first look at the report
of the "O'Sullivan committee", the President's Advisory Committee on the
Central Administrative Structure, which he has just received.  He didn't
say whether the committee is recommending any startling changes to the way
the top offices in Needles Hall are organized.

THE OHIP ISSUE:  A Toronto-based "Coalition for International Students"
is fighting hard against the Ontario government's decision not to cover
foreign students under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan after June 30.
"There are legal opinions emerging," a news release says, "that the Ministry
of Health acted illegally in disentitling international students. . . .
Taking legal action such as moving for an injunction and forming a
class action suit are being investigated."  The coalition is urging
individual foreign students to appeal their notices of disentitlement, and to
write lobbying letters.  The group can be reached in care of the Canadian
Union of Educational Workers -- the union that represents teaching
assistants at the University of Toronto -- at (416) 593-7057, e-mail

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca