Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, May 4, 1994

HIGH-LEVEL:  Department heads and chairs have been invited to meet this
morning (11 a.m., Needles Hall 3001) with the president and provost.  Says
the memo that calls the meeting: "Information will be presented concerning
a number of current issues, including the budets, institutional planning,
and the review of university funding currently being conducted by OCUA.
There will be an opportunity for comments and questions."

REGISTRATION continues; today's the day for arts students to pay their fees,
at the cashiers' wickets on the second floor of Needles Hall.  Late fees
will be charged starting Friday, May 6, to undergraduate students who
haven't registered.

Exam scheduling gets a special note in the registration newsletter:  "The
scheduling of final examinations begins immediately following the drop/add
period.  Only officially registered students are considered by this system
in determing a conflict free schedule for each student.  Students who have
not made suitable fee arrangements by the end of the drop/add period may
find conflicts in their examination schedule and will be responsible for
resolving them."

GOLD MEDAL:  The dean of graduate studies has announced that Jin Hong, of
electrical and computer engineering, will be this year's winner of the 
Governor General's Gold Medal as the top PhD graduate from Waterloo in 1994.

OTHER CAMPUSES:  I have done some overhauling to the section of UWinfo that
provides links to news from other universities.  Besides some easy-to-find
links to publications from several Canadian campuses, there's a link to a
large listing of campus publications, mostly American, that is maintained by
Louisiana Tech.  Find it all on UWinfo under "Events, News, Weather" and
then "News from Other Universities".

Just for example, a few clicks on UWinfo lead to this item from Wisconsin 
Week, published at the University of Wisconsin at Madison: "Student course 
evaluations at UW-River Falls are being released this week, in response to 
a law suit filed by three students to force disclosure under the public 
records law.  The campus will turn over a numerical compilation of students' 
responses to 20 standard questions on a 1992-93 form. The forms themselves, 
containing additional written comments, were returned to faculty members 
after course grades were completed."

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca