Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, June 29, 1994

OUR HOME TOWN:  "The Berlin Show" opened last night in a sketchily created
theatre in the old Button Factory on Regina Street.  The author: William
Chadwick of UW's drama department.  The director: Darlene Spencer, ditto.
The actors: mostly UW students.  The play: a clever, immensely energetic
series of sketches telling the story of how Berlin, Ontario, changed its
name during World War I.  Audience members get to vote at the end of the 
play: Brock, Adanac, or . . . Kitchener? 

It gives a warm feeling (well, a hot feeling in that crowded upstairs room
on a muggy night) to see these versatile actors telling a story about our
own neighbourhoods.  For a story about violence and hate, it's a steady
diet of laughs and melodies, too.  The show continues this weekend and next.
Tickets come from UW's box office, 885-4280.

SAYING FAREWELL:  An open house is set for this afternoon to honour Heinz
Wagner on his retirement.  He came to Waterloo in 1966 as a mason in the
plant operations department, and retires as building section foreperson.
The retirement festivity starts at 3:30 p.m. in General Services Complex
room 203.

MINISTER VISITS:  Roy MacLaren, the federal minister of international
trade, visits Wilfrid Laurier University today.  He'll hold a closed 
meeting with WLU leaders, including people involved in the university's
Laurier Trade Development Centre, at 3:30.  

READY FOR FRIDAY:  Things are getting really active in the community
relations office, and other strategic spots on campus, as staff and
volunteers prepare for Friday's Canada Day celebrations on campus.  The
prizes for kids' costumes are being readied, there are signs to identify
the VIPs (Waterloo MP Andrew Telegdi is among those expected), and the
T-shirts are ready.  Friday's events start with the parade at 3:00,
from the corner of King Street up University Avenue and Albert Street
to the north campus.  The music starts at 3:30, and the children's
"Activity World" opens at 4.  Now how's the weather forecast?

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca