Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, June 28, 1994

THE MORNING AFTER the annual social gathering between UW's top administration
and the executive of the faculty association, everybody's still on 
speaking terms.  In fact -- members of both groups have assured me from
time to time -- personal relations are generally excellent, despite public 
posturing and sometimes profound differences about policy.  And that's
good news.

HEALTH INSURANCE:  International students are reminded that this morning
is the time (yesterday afternoon was the first chance, actually) to sign
up for a health insurance plan for July and August.  The temporary plan,
replacing the Ontario Health Insurance coverage which the provincial
government has withdrawn from foreigners, costs $89.28 for one person,
$178.56 for two, and $282.60 for three or more, over the two-month period.
The sign-up runs from 9:30 to noon today on the second floor of Needles
Hall.  More information: the international student office, ext. 2814.

UTILITY SHUTDOWNS:  Electrical power, heating, cooling and ventilation
will be turned off in the B. F. Goodrich Building from 6 to 10 p.m. tonight,
the plant operations department advises.  The shutoff is to allow
preventive maintenance on an electrical substation.  "Computer equipment
should be shut down in an orderly fashion, particularly Unix systems,"
an advisory says.

Tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., chilled water and low-pressure steam will
be shut off in South Campus Hall as part of the renovations that are
making life an ordeal there.  The shutoff chiefly means there will be
no air conditioning during those hours.

CALLING SHOWOFFS:  If you can sing, dance, juggle or entertain, here's your
chance to be a busker.  No, not the annual Buskers' Festival in downtown
Waterloo in late August, but a "Wandering Minstrels Day" set for the
second week of July, under Federation of Students sponsorship.  Would-be
performers (students only, the Feds say) are asked to apply by July 5 and
then will have a chance to audition.  For information: ext. 6331.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca