Daily Bulletin, Friday, June 24, 1994

TODAY IS St. Jean Baptiste Day, the unofficial national holiday in Quebec
and a day with deep roots in French Canada.  "O Canada" was first sung on
this date in 1880.  To celebrate the day here in Waterloo, Le cercle
francais vous invite a venir feter avec un barbecue -- si le temps permet,
which as of this hour doesn't look too likely.  The party starts at
6:30 at the Columbia Lake barbecue pits.  Information: francais@watserv1,
or phone ext. 6857.

AND THE WEATHER doesn't look any too good for Sounds of Summer, the city
of Waterloo festival planned for Saturday and Sunday, which has been
rained out more than once in recent years.  If the weather's bad, Sounds
of Summer will be moved inside the new Recreation Complex downtown, but if
it's good, listen for melodies to waft from the Waterloo Park bandshell,
from 1 to 6:30 each day.  Face-painting, rides, and other happy activities
are also planned.  Admission is $4 for adults, free for kids 10 and under.

YESTERDAY'S Matthews Classic golf tournament took place under dry skies,
though.  I haven't received a report on how things went, but Steve Cook
of the purchasing department did provide a little information on how many
faculty, staff and other folks were taking part: "We had a meeting last 
night to get all the prizes organized, and we needed 116 prizes.  So, 
roughly speaking we will have that many participants."

SSHRC PRESIDENT:  Dr. Lynn Penrod, associate vice-president (academic) at 
the University of Alberta, is to be the new president of the Social Sciences 
and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Penrod takes over from an acting 
president who has headed the council as it wobbles toward a new direction 
after a merger with the Canada Council, proposed under the former Progressive 
Conservative government, was abandoned. She is both a lawyer and a Romance 
languages scholar.

EYES ON EYES:  The first international Symposium on Tropic and Subtropic
Ophthalmology opens today, with about 100 delegates expected at the Village
2 conference centre.  Chief organizer is George Woo of UW's school of
optometry.  The eye specialists will be sharing Village space with the
Canadian Authors Association and a couple of hundred players, coaches and 
trainers attending workshops sponsored by the Ontario Hockey Association.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca