Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, June 22, 1994

CO-OP JOB MATCHES:  Co-op students have been nervously interviewing for
fall term jobs, and today's the big day.  The co-op department advises that
computer match results should be posted around 3 p.m. today on co-op
bulletin boards in Needles Hall, Engineering Lecture, and Math and Computer.

Olaf Naese of the co-op department says that students who are not matched 
with jobs and want to take part in the "continuous" placement process
for the rest of this term should attend a meeting at 4:30 today.  "The
meeting will last less than one hour and will cover procedures for co-op 
activities for the rest of the term."  Location:  Arts and applied health
sciences, Math and Computer room 2066; engineering, Engineering Lecture 101;
environmental studies, ES I room 350; mathematics and accounting, Physics
room 145; science, Biology 1 room 271.  Students who went to the "No 
Interviews? Not Ranked?" meeting on June 20 need not attend.

CANADA DAY is approaching fast.  The Kitchener-Waterloo Canada Day Council,
based at UW and in especially in the Federation of Students, needs several
hundred volunteers for the annual celebration beside Columbia Lake on the
north campus.  Help is needed with candle sales, concessons, children's
events, operations, the parade, parking, security, set-up and take-down.
Anybody who'd like to be an important part of the July 1 celebration can
call the volunteer coordinator, Kate Maude, at 747-2542, and attend a
volunteer orientation meeting Monday (June 27) at 5:30 p.m. in Davis
Centre room 1250.  

Looking ahead to July 1 itself, you can mark your calendar for the parade
at 3 p.m., opening ceremonies at 4:30, activities beside the lake (face
painting, kite flying, an environmental fair and so on), the candlelight
closing ceremony at 10 p.m., and fireworks to follow.  More information:
Curtis Desjardins, the Canada Day coordinator, at ext. 6329, or UW's
office of community relations at ext. 2220.

INTENSIVE ENGLISH:  Renison College is still looking for students for its
"English for Academic Success" course, July 4 through August 12.  It's
designed "to provide intensive language training for university students
whose mother tongue is not English, and who wish to improve their
levels of proficiency" in written and oral English.  The course runs 
for most of the morning, Monday to Friday, with some outside activities
also planned.  It costs $800.  Information is available from Gail
Cuthbert Brandt, principal of Renison, at 888-4400 -- she can be reached
by e-mail at gcbrandt@renison.watstar.

BIRTHDAY greetings today to Jake Sivak of the school of optometry.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca