Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, June 21, 1994

HEALTH INSURANCE:  International students will be able to get health
insurance starting this fall term, through a plan arranged by the Council
of Ontario Universities.  But that still leaves July and August 1994 to
worry about, as coverage under the government's Ontario Health Insurance
Plan ends June 30.  UW's international student office has just announced
a stopgap arrangement.

International students at UW should come to the cashier's area on the second 
floor of Needles Hall next Monday (1:30 to 4 p.m.) or Tuesday (9:30 
a.m. to noon) to sign up for July and August health care coverage.
Enrolment forms have already been sent to each international student, and 
should be handed in at this time along with a cheque payable to UW.
The price, including tax, is $89.28 for one person, $178.56 for two persons, 
$282.60 for three or more people.  More information is available from the 
international student office at ext. 2814.

HAPPENING TODAY:  Two co-op students who recently completed unpaid work
terms under the Community and World Service program will talk about their
experiences at a media session today.  It starts at 11:45 at the offices
of Manulife Financial in Waterloo, the locally-based company that's helping
underwrite the CWS program.  Melanie Adrian will talk about her experiences
in Costa Rica as part of a community building project, and Renee Whitney
will talk about her work with L'Arche Daybreak, a Toronto-based
organization that provides housing and support to integrate people back
into society after treatment for psychological problems.

Three long-time members of UW's athletics department who are retiring this
summer will be honoured by colleagues (from UW and other universities) at
a dinner at the Waterloo Inn tonight.  They are Wally Delahey, director 
of the department; Pat Davis, assistant director; and Don McCrae, who
heads men's intercollegiate sports.

POWER SHUTDOWN:  Electrical power, heating, cooling and ventilation will
be shut down in Biology I building from 6 p.m. to 10 this evening.  "Some
emergency power will be available," says the plant operations department.
"Computer equipment should be shut down in an orderly fashion (particularly
Unix systems)."  The shutdown is to allow preventive maintenance on
15,000-volt electrical substation equipment.

AND SUMMER begins today, at 10:48 a.m. Waterloo time -- although I'd be
pleased to hear from anyone who may be reading this Bulletin from the
southern hemisphere, where it's winter that begins today.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca