Daily Bulletin, Monday, June 20, 1994

I'M BACK from my travels.  My thanks go to Jim Fox and John Morris,
who created Daily Bulletins in my absence, as well as to the technical
people who helped them keep the news flowing.

In the course of my trip I visited two people, formerly of UW, who are
now in senior posts at other universities.  Doug Lawson, once chair of
the computer science department, is president of Algoma University College
in Sault Ste. Marie, where in seven years he has eliminated the deficit,
boosted the enrolment, and added a library wing and a recreation complex
to historic Shingwauk Hall.  Now he's talking about residences, a new
classroom wing, a doubling of enrolment, and academic independence from
Laurentian University of Sudbury, with which AUC is now affiliated.  My
other host along the way was Jim Gardner, once UW's dean of graduate 
studies and a geography professor, who's vice-president (academic) and
provost of the University of Manitoba.

SENATE TONIGHT:  The university senate meets at 7:30 tonight (Needles Hall
room 3001).  On the agenda: the usual long list of committee reports and
other, mostly routine, business.  The president's report is expected to
include some comments about recent events at Concordia University, and 
the controversial "Cowan Report" (on how Concordia handled a difficult
professor, who later turned to murder) and the "Arthurs Report" (on ethics
and conflicts of interest in research and development).  The texts of both
these reports are available on UWinfo -- look under "News, Events" and
then under "Documents FYI".

GRAPHICS DIRECTOR:  Linda Norton, administrative assistant in the computer
science department and past president of UW's staff association, will be
the new director of graphic services.  Her appointment was announced this
morning by Johnny Wong, associate provost (computing and information 
systems), who said Norton was the unanimous choice of a five-person
selection committee.  She takes over from Mike Rowe, a 27-year veteran
of graphic services, who retires this summer.  A farewell party for Rowe
has been set for Friday, July 15, at the University Club (4 p.m.).

STAFF ACHIEVEMENTS:  "Graduates" of the FrontLine Leadership, Working, and
Non-Management Professional training programs will be honoured this
afternoon from 2:30 to 4:30.  Graduation certificates will be presented,
and there's a cash bar.  The event is happening in the Festival Room of
South Campus Hall, which isn't an easy place to get to these days, with
construction going on in SCH.  Katrina Maugham of human resources says the
thing to do is approach SCH from the Graduate House direction, and go in
the door that's normally "exit only".  FrontLine, Working, and the hybrid
Non-Management Professional program are all seminars for UW staff that
build on principles of interpersonal relations, with an eye to improving
the climate and quality of work on campus.

FROM THE STAFF ASSOCIATION come two announcements.  First, the association
has a vacancy on its board of directors, because of a resignation.
Nomination forms were sent out to members a few days ago, and are due
back by this Friday, June 24.  

Second, there are still a few tickets for a July 8 bus trip to the SkyDome
to see the Blue Jays play the Kansas City Royals.  The bus leaves at 5:15
that Friday night, tickets are on the first level of the Dome, and total
price is $37 for staff association members and one guest apiece.  Cheques
can be sent to the association office in the General Services Complex
(phone ext. 3566 for more information).

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca