Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, June 7, 1994

THE WESTHUES CASE:  In an unusual move, the provost yesterday made public
the Ethics Committee report dealing with Adie Nelson's complaint against
Ken Westhues, a colleague in the sociology department.  The committee found
that in things he said to Nelson following a graduate student's oral exam
last November, Westhues violated the UW ethics policy: "His behaviour
constituted an attack on (Nelson's) competence and character", and things
he said about her position as an untenured member of the department
"amounted to an interference with her ability to perform her academic

The committee recommended that Westhues be required to make an apology.
The provost yesterday released that letter of apology, but noted that
Westhues had distributed it widely on campus along with another letter which,
he said, "all but dismisses the findings" of the ethics committee.  "I
consider it to be a violation of the undertaking given by Dr. Westhues
to me," said the letter from the provost, Jim Kalbfleisch.

The ethics committee report, and the provost's open letter along with the
formal letter of apology, are available on UWinfo under the heading "News"
and sub-heading "Documents FYI".  Some other letters related to the 
controversy can also be found there.

The president of the faculty association this morning issued a brief
statement calling yesterday's action by the provost "cause for grave
concern".  It said the matter will be discussed by the board of directors
of the faculty association on Thursday.  That brief statement can also be
found on UWinfo.

BOARD WILL MEET:  UW's board of governors meets this afternoon, and will
consider the 1994-95 budget as approved by the university senate at its
May meeting.  Also on the agenda: revisions to Policy 46, about promotion
of faculty members.  And in closed session, the board will hear reports
from the nominating committees set up to consider reappointment of the
deans in three faculties -- engineering, mathematics and science.

HAGEY LECTURER:  The Hagey Lecture Committee has announced that John
Polanyi, University of Toronto chemist and Nobel Prize winner, will be
the next Hagey Lecturer.  He'll be at UW January 17 and 18, 1995.  Polanyi
will give a student lecture, "The Molecular Dance in Chemical Reaction",
and a public lecture, "Research in Jeopardy: Some Thoughts Concerning
Science Policy".

RIDE FOR HEART:  Results are on hand from the bicycle stampede held on
campus and around Kitchener-Waterloo on Sunday.  The "Ride for Heart"
attracted 1,227 riders (and 412 volunteers) and raised, at last count,
$65,000 to support blood pressure research.

ENVIRONMENT WEEK continues.  Tonight's "Cinema Gratis" in the Campus Centre
great hall presents two National Film Board productions: "Blockade" and
"The Falls", both on environmental themes.  The show starts at 7 p.m.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca