Daily Bulletin, Monday, June 6, 1994

ENVIRONMENT WEEK is under way.  Off campus, you can get a tour of the
Waterloo dump ("Landfill, Compost Area and Materials Recycling Centre")
at 12:15 Monday through Friday.  On campus, there are a number of events,
including a talk at 1:30 today on the links between environmentalism and
feminism.  The speaker is Susan Wismer, of the department of environment
and resource studies; she'll be talking at the women's centre in the Campus
Centre (all are welcome).

Tuesday night, the Campus Centre's "Cinema Gratis" series turns to
environmental flicks from the National Film Board.  Thursday from noon to
4, the public issues board of the Federation of Students hosts a number of
special events in the Environmental Studies I courtyard, including a
potluck lunch.

SENATE EXECUTIVE:  The executive committee of the UW senate meets at 3:30
today (Needles Hall room 3004), chiefly to set the agenda for the June 20
senate meeting.  Of particular interest is the report of a special
"Sub-committee on Senate Reform", headed by Bob Fowler of the classical
studies department.  The report talks about the perceived lack of power 
of the senate finance committee, which supposedly reviews UW's budget and
related matters as they head for the board of governors.  It also notes
that "broad principles aren't discussed enough at Senate, and it may be
true that some Senators feel discouraged from speaking up."  Possible
administrative changes are suggested.  The senate has 89 members at present;
a majority are faculty, with students and alumni also represented, and
a considerable number of deans and other administrators among the members.
The senate is the chief academic governing body of the university, responsible
for curriculum, admissions and similar matters.

DIAL FOR DOLLARS:  Voice mail has come to the financial services department, 
and with it some new phone numbers for individuals.  "The major changes are 
in Accounts Payable and Payroll department," says Virginia Kwok of FSO, 
noting that "the staff now have unique extension numbers.  For details, 
people can refer to the new list we send out."  Examples: cheque requests 
ext. 6124, purchase orders 2133 or 2134, travel advances 2733; payroll 
for faculty 3102, for staff 3103, for bi-weekly paid staff 5840, for 
temporary staff 5841, for graduate students 5842. The department has issued 
a new organization chart with all the phone numbers shown.

UW ON THE CBC:  The CBC television program Venture, all about business 
issues, is finishing up its segment about Waterloo computer science students
and graduates.  A camera crew taped some of last month's convocation events,
as well as interviews on campus, and Jim Fox of the UW news bureau reports
that he's been told the segment will be aired June 12.  That's next Sunday;
look for Venture on the CBC at 10:25 p.m.

RESEARCH APPLICATIONS:  The UW office of research has word that there's
new money available in the University Research Incentive Fund program, run
by the Ontario government.  June 30 is the deadine in "Competition 1".
URIF projects are expected to involve joint work by university researchers
and industry; the maximum grant for a new project this year is $250,000.
Sue Nelson in the research office, phone ext. 2021, will be delighted to
provide more information.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca