Daily Bulletin, Friday, June 3, 1994

WATERLOO WEEKEND starts today, with alumni converging on Waterloo to
celebrate the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, even 30th anniversary of their
graduation.  There are many small-scale reunions, and these major events:

     The President's Reception for 1964 and 1969 graduates, Saturday
     from 4 to 6 p.m. at the University Club.

     The faculty of arts "Celebrating the Boar" program -- the unveiling
     and dedication of Porcellino, the bronze boar sculpture, in the
     arts quadrangle at 5:30 tomorrow, followed by a pig roast and
     dancing at Federation Hall.

     Open House from 11 to 3 tomorrow at the early childhood education
     centre in the psychology department.

     An engineering gala dinner at 7 Saturday night at the Valhalla Inn.

MORE ON THE BOAR:   Pat Aplevich of the dean of arts office says she 
can't believe some of the things that are happening about Porcellino:
"As I knew there was a boar twin to ours at Butchart Gardens in Victoria, I
asked one of the Arts Alumni Committee members to write to him to ask him to
send our boar a greeting on the occasion of his being permanently sited.
Last week I received a call from the Gardens' Director telling me to expect a
package for our boar from them and thanking me for giving them such a 'zany'
project to work on during an otherwise uneventful Spring season there. 
The package is a meter square and a foot deep but light as a feather. It
contains a floral wreath and letter from 'Tacca' to our 'nameless one' signed
with a hoof print. Photos of Tacca (their boar) show him wearing the wreath
proudly. Butchart Gardens wants suitable photos of our boar wearing his wreath
to use in promotional materials or just for fun at the Gardens."

She adds that at tomorrow's dedication ceremony, representatives of the
Engineering Society will be on hand "to be inducted as Companions into the
Order of the Boar. They will become its protectors in perpetuity and will 
make the Boar an honourary Engineer."  That should settle any fears that
the boar will once again be the targets of pranks and scavenger hunts.

ALSO HAPPENING:  "Ride for Heart" puts bicyclists on the streets of Waterloo
and Kitchener on Sunday, starting from the Seagram Stadium area at 9 a.m.
The route includes UW's ring road.  It's a fund-raiser, sponsored by the
Heart and Stroke Foundation, supporting a hypertension (blood pressure)
study being done in UW's health studies department.  The project, headed
by Roy Cameron, is investigating whether borage oil, derived from a common
herb, can lower blood pressure in humans as it has already been found to do
in animals.  Volunteers from the staff of two big local firms -- Manulife
Financial and the Mutual Group -- were screened, and 40 of them found to
have "borderline" hypertension are trying the test substance.

Sunday at 2, the K-W Symphony, performing in the Waterloo Park bandshell,
gets some competition from the "Smoke a Joint in Protest" rally, which has
been moved a few yarsd away to "the grassy area between the bandshell and
the baseball diamonds".  The rally, whose anonymous organizers are said to
be UW students, is inviting participants to smoke a little marijuana and
risk arrest in order to clog the courts and make a statement against the
illegality of "soft" drugs.

Wilfcon X, the annual "science fiction and fantasy convention" at Wilfrid
Laurier University, runs Saturday and Sunday.  Information: David Brown
at 746-7840 or dbrown@mach1.wlu.ca.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca