Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, July 26, 1994

INTERIM DEAN:  Gary Waller was named yesterday to be interim dean of
research, taking over August 1 when Arthur Carty leaves UW to be president
of the National Research Council.  Waller will serve through June 30,
1995, while a nominating committee looks for a permanent dean of research.

Announcing the appointment in a memo yesterday afternoon, the provost
noted that Waller has just finished seven years as chair of the department
of psychology and "is well known across campus for his work as a facilitator
in the Front Line Leadership Program and as a member of the President's
Advisory Committee on the Central Administrative Structure at UW.  His
research area is learning, reading, and other aspects of human performance."

The provost added: "I am grateful to Professor Waller for taking on these
important responsibilities on very short notice."

MEDICAL RESEARCH:  Karl Tibelius, "senior scientist" at the Medical
Research Council, will be at UW today to meet with interested researchers.  
"This is an excellent opportunity," says Joan Hadley of the research office, 
"to become informed about new research funding opportunities, due to MRC's 
decision to enlarge the scope of its activities beyond a biomedical and 
clinical focus.  This means that support will be available for a wide range 
of health research and health researchers, e.g.  social and behavioural 
scientists."  Tibelius will speak at an open meeting at 1:30 in Davis Centre
room 1304.  Hadley at ext. 3433 can provide more information.

SLOW DAYS COMING:  With one more day of classes for the spring term, the
quietest weeks of the year are within sight.  Many departments and services
won't be operating at full steam all through August.  The libraries will
be announcing reduced hours shortly, for the period from the end of exams
until Labour Day, and food services can be expected to do the same.  The
computer store has already announced that it will close at the end of
the day this Friday (July 29) and reopen Monday, August 15.

Today's the 100th birthday of Aldous Huxley, who turned the expression
"brave new world" from delight to irony.  And let's wish a happy 
less-than-100th birthday to Pat Harrigan of the history department.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca