Daily Bulletin, Thursday, July 21, 1994

DEAN OF RESEARCH:  UW says farewell today to Arthur Carty, dean of research
since 1989 (and chemistry professor since 1967).  In the next few days
he's off to Ottawa to become president of the National Research Council.
A wine-and-cheese party in his honour runs from 4 to 6 p.m. today at the
University Club.

The provost, Jim Kalbfleisch, said this morning that a nominating committee
to find a new dean of research will get to work in the fall.  Details of
the nominating procedure are set out in UW Policy 68.  Meanwhile, he said,
an acting dean of research will be appointed very shortly.

LANDSCAPE SERIES: Two UW students are organizing "Rethinking Urban 
Landscapes," a free public lecture series on alternative landscaping.
The first talk is set for 7 tonight at 265 Parkmount Drive, Waterloo,
where Aira Kaduc of Smart Yards Inc. has created a "low-maintenance
landscape" for her house.

The series is intended to educate people about the significant resource
and natural habitat drains caused by the cultivation of chemically
treated lawns, said Cheryl Evans and Katherine Dale, both fourth-year
environment and resource studies students, who are coordinating the
program.  The lectures will also provide how-to tips.  Options to be 
discussed include organically maintained lawns, edible landscapes, 
drought-resistant landscapes (xeriscapes), low-maintenance landscapes and 
native ecosystem landscapes.

Space at tonight's talk is limited to 30 people; call Evans at 884-6882
to reserve space.  The series continues on Thursday, July 28, with a
7 p.m. talk (Environmental Studies 1 room 350) by Waterloo's community 
garden coordinator, Vivian Woodley, who will speak about the importance of 
urban food production and the potential for food production in small urban 
spaces such as balconies and rooftops.

YES, I KNOW now that Civic Holiday is Monday, August 1, not August 3.
The wrong date was given in yesterday's Daily Bulletin.  (The permanent
version of the Bulletin, on UWinfo, has been corrected.)

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca