Daily Bulletin, Thursday, July 7, 1994

IT MUST BE the heat that's keeping things quiet.  There are few
announcements and there's not much news, except that earlier this week,
the computer-network link between Waterloo and Toronto was upgraded to
what's called a T1 circuit.  "It is a twelve-fold increase in capacity,
and hence in responsiveness," says Roger Watt of computing services.
For years, the single slowest part of the computing system at UW has
been the Toronto link, over which most of Waterloo's e-mail and "news"
traffic from the outside world flows.

OPENING TONIGHT:  "Summer Recreation", a play by computer science student
Jonathan Aiken, opens tonight (8 p.m.) in Davis Centre room 1351.  It
continues through Saturday, and next week.  "The Berlin Show", by William
Chadwick of the drama department, has its final run this week at the
Button Factory (now the Waterloo Community Arts Centre) downtown.

VOLUNTEERS WANTED:  Here are a couple of invitations from the local
Volunteer Action Centre, which has hundreds of volunteer possibilities.
You can phone 742-8610 about these jobs or to ask about others that might
match your interests more precisely.

     Board members: please consider assisting the deaf and hard of
     hearing community by serving on a board of directors or committee
     to give direction and assistance in fund-raising.  The board meets
     the third Monday of the month from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.  You will gain
     exposure to the signing environment.  Listing 014-932.

     Walkathon assistants: individuals are needed for planning and
     implementation of a Walk for AIDS walkathon.  Various positions
     include site planners, entertainment planners, participant recruiters,
     distribution organizers and on-site assistance.  Meetings are held
     every two weeks on a Monday evening from now until the day of the
     event, which will be held in October.  Listing 133-662.

IN CHARGE:  UW president James Downey is in Israel this week -- a combination
holiday and university presidents' tour of institutions there. In his
absence, provost Jim Kalbfleisch is acting president.  There's always an
acting president: should Kalbfleisch also be away, next in line is
associate provost Robin Banks, followed by vice-president (university
relations) Roger Downer.  And after him: Arthur Carty, dean of research;
David Burns, dean of engineering; and the rest of the deans in order of

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca