Daily Bulletin, Monday, July 4, 1994

CANADA DAY was, by all accounts, a big success, with thousands of people
out for the celebrations on the north campus -- especially the fireworks,
even if 10:15 is pretty late at night for the littlest Canadians.  The
day's events, from parade to touching candlelight closing, are made possible
by the work of hundreds of volunteers.  Marlene Miles of UW's community
relations office has high praise for the work of the Canada Day co-chairs,
Curtis Desjardins and Rachel Thomson, both students.  And she sends a
special thanks to a couple of dozen wonderful people who came back on
Saturday and worked all day cleaning up the Columbia Lake site.

Now, about that trivia question posed in Thursday's Daily Bulletin.  There
was no correct answer -- no T-shirt winner -- although Prabhakar Ragde did
shrewdly note that the lines I quoted scan like a stanza from "God Save
the Queen".  That's what they are, as written for Canadian use by Robert 

     Our loved Dominion bless
     With peace and happiness
     From shore to shore;
     And let our Empire be
     United, loyal, free,
     True to herself and Thee
     For evermore.

Not-so-honourable mention to the enthusiast who proposed lines about "the
eagles soar . . . over the watercress".

WELL, NOW that July is here, the campus will be busy with the patter of
little feet.  Arts Computer Experience, for children 7 to 12, begins its
first session today, with a program of music, art, drama, computing and
a daily swim.  On the other side of campus, Engineering Science Quest is
also under way, bringing kids in the grades-5-through-8 range to campus
for a technologically oriented day camp.  Both programs run through
August 26.  UW's other major children's program for the summer, Heritage
Experience Camp, gets going next week.

Oldsters are at Waterloo as well this week, as St. Paul's United College
holds an Elderhostel session.  (Conrad Grebel College had one for a week
in mid-June and will have another August 7-13.)

SUMMER SCHOOL is a term out of UW's history -- there was a time when
dozens of courses would bring hundreds of students (mostly schoolteachers
upgrading their qualifications) to campus for six weeks in July and
August.  It's down to a few specialty courses now, but official listings
do say that English 363, Psychology 260, Religious Studies 290C and
Peace and Conflict Studies 302C all start today.

THE BOX OFFICE has changed its phone number.  Instead of the familiar
885-4280, phone calls for tickets should go to 888-4908, which is UW ext.
4908.  The box office, in the lobby of the Humanities building, is open
10:30 to 4:30 weekdays during July.  It will be closed altogether in
August, and normal hours resume in September.

ACTING HEAD:  Conrad Grebel College now has an acting president, Ernie
Regehr, well known as director of the Grebel-based Project Ploughshares.
Regehr took over July 1, with the departure of Rod Sawatsky for points
south.  A full-scale presidential search is now starting at Grebel.

BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY:  Birthday greetings to John Cherry of the
earth sciences department.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca