Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, August 31, 1994

SMASH AND GRAB:  There was a major theft of computer equipment from the
two Environmental Studies buildings early yesterday morning.  Somebody
broke into five offices, apparently using a crowbar, and carried off whole
computers, hard disks, laser printers and other equipment.  According to
Elton Nantais of the UW Police, the thieves knew what they wanted, as
they chiefly took high-end equipment and left less valuable machinery
behind.  He said police think the crime must have taken place sometime
after 2 a.m. Monday night, when the custodians in the ES buildings go off
duty.  The building is open 24 hours a day, but in this between-term
period there was likely no one around to hear the noise.

SAYING FAREWELL:  It's the last day of work for more faculty and staff
members, including a married couple of UW old-timers: Ralph Hoffer of
graphic services and Marian Hoffer of the dean of science office.  Another
person who's retiring is Marsha Blok, of the reference department in the
Dana Porter Library; friends and colleagues will be taking her to lunch

POSITIONS AVAILABLE:  There's no Gazette today, so the weekly Positions
Available list is being circulated to department offices by the human
resources department, and can also be found on UWinfo.  And here's the
text of it:

     OFFICE -- USG 9
     B.A.Sc. in Engineering, preferably from the University of
     Waterloo. Excellent interpersonal skills and communication
     skills, both written and oral. Familiarity with the admissions
     process and Faculty and Registrarial procedures. The willingness
     and ability to provide teaching at the First Year Engineering
     level will be a strong asset.

     Must be able to communicate effectively with students and be able
     to work in a residence environment.  Must have previous custodial
     experience.  Must be capable of heavy physical work and have
     experience with cleaning equipment and procedures.

     And the usual note: "The university welcomes and encourages
     applications from the designated employment equity groups: visible
     minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and aboriginal

For more information -- the human resources department at ext. 2524.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca