Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, August 30, 1994

SAYING GOODBYE:  Today or tomorrow will be the last day of work at UW
for some dozens of people, as September 1 will probably set the record
for the most retirements on a single date.  Among the farewells not yet
mentioned in this Bulletin:  Bob Bean of data processing, who's been on
the staff since 1961 (he was originally in the library); Carmen Fernandez
of the Spanish department; Tom Fitzgerald, head of career services, who
had his last full day of work Friday but was back on campus yesterday to
brief the Student Services Advisory Committee about his department; 
Leonard Fletcher of economics. . . .

The September 7 Gazette will have a double page paying tribute to some of
the staff and faculty who have retired this summer and fall, but it'll
take more than one issue to find room for them all.

ALWAYS GOT TIME:  The time was 7:15 yesterday morning when a Tim Horton
doughnut outlet opened in the Davis Centre, in the spot where Pastry Plus
used to be.  It's the third fast-food outlet on campus -- South Campus
Hall has (or will have, when it reopens) Taco Bell and Pizza Pizza.  The
Tim outlet faces a corridor in the north wing of DC, beside the food fair
entrance.  The change leaves three Pastry Plus outlets on campus selling
food services' own muffins and coffee: in Needles Hall, Matthews Hall 
and SCH.

BOILER SHUTDOWN:  The boilers at the central plant powerhouse will be
shut down from 6 p.m. tonight to about 2 a.m. for preventive maintenance
on the electrical substation.  Result: no hot water and no building heat
in most main campus buildings during that period.  The plant operations
department provides a list: engineering, Porter Library, Davis Centre,
Math and Computer, the Campus Centre, Modern Languages, Humanities . . .
yep, everything inside the ring road is affected.  

FINANCIAL PLANNING "for non-experts" is the topic of a day-long workshop
being offered today by the staff training and development committee.  

BIRTHDAY greetings to Michael Craton of the history department!

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca