Daily Bulletin, Monday, August 29, 1994

AFTER LONG SERVICE:  Over the past 28 years, Leo Jabs has probably
occupied the command post at the centre of campus for more hours than
anybody else.  But early this morning, he turned over the console for
the last time, completing his final shift before official retirement on
September 1.  Jabs came to UW in April 1966 as a stationary engineer in
the plant operations, and -- alternating between day shifts and night
shifts as all the central plant crew do -- he's spent many thousands of
hours in front of the control panel monitoring boilers, fans, cables
and alarm systems.  Colleagues and friends will fete him Thursday night
with a dinner at the Black Forest Inn, says the central plant manager,
Rick Zalagenas.

DIAL 519:  Today might be a good day to re-program fax machines, speed
dial systems, modems and any other devices that are used to place long
distance calls in the 519 area code (from Windsor to Orangeville).  As of
September 4, long distance calls in this area will require the area code,
just as calls to other parts of North America already do.  On your home
phone or an outside line, you'll dial 1-519-824-4120 to reach the 
University of Guelph, for instance.  From a UW extension you'll have to
dial 9-519-679-2111 for the University of Western Ontario. 

MEETING TODAY:  The Student Services Advisory Committee meets this
afternoon to hear presentations from the heads of half a dozen departments
that provide non-academic student services.  They include athletics,
counselling, health and safety, career services, the English language
proficiency program, and the UW police (because the WalkSafe program is
classed as a student service).  The SSAC is made up of students and
UW officials, and was set up earlier this year to advise top management
about "the adequacy of student services" and the appropriate student fees
to pay for them.  Work is just starting.

CLEAN AND BLUE:  The big recycling carts used by many departments are to
be cleaned this week, says waste management coordinator Patti Cook.
What people are supposed to do is take their carts to the pickup area
some time today.  Yes, that's a day early, because the pickup is happening
Tuesday, starting at 7 a.m., instead of the usual Wednesday.  The carts
will be emptied and cleaned, and brought back to the loading dock area.

PHD ORALS:  The following PhD oral examinations are set for the next
few days:

     Accountancy studies -- Robert Mathieu, "The Information Content
     of Bank Loans and Lines of Credit."  Supervisor, Dr. W. R. Scott.
     Oral examination Monday, August 29, 1:30 p.m., Humanities room 373.

     Civil engineering -- Khaled Nabil Helali, "Impacts of Congestion
     Pricing on Automobile Travel and Vehicle Emissions in the Greater
     Toronto Area."  Supervisor, Dr. Bruce Hutchinson.  Oral examination
     Tuesday, August 30, 1:30 p.m., Engineering 2 room 3324.

     Civil engineering -- Peter Kuzyk, "Long Term Performance Based
     Construction."  Supervisors, Dr. R. C. G. Haas and Dr. R. W.
     Cockfield.  Oral examination Wednesday, August 31, 2 p.m., Engineering
     2 room 3324.

     Psychology -- Sandra Murray, "Is Love Blind? Positive Illusions,
     Idealization and the Construction of Satisfaction in Close 
     Relationships."  Supervisor, Dr. J. Holmes.  Oral examination
     Friday, September 2, 10 a.m., PAS room 3026.

WATER SHUTOFF:  Hot and cold water will be shut off in parts of the Davis
Centre tomorrow from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.  The shutoff affects the library,
ICR and office wings of DC except for the washrooms on the first floor
of the ICR and office wings, as well as the kitchen and the CIM wing,
the plant operations department says.

FINALLY, birthday greetings to Floyd Centore of St. Jerome's College.
Do you suppose he knows he was born on the same day and in the same city
as actor Elliott Gould?

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca