Daily Bulletin, Friday, August 26, 1994

PAYDAY for faculty and most staff members is always welcome, but
apart from paycheques (and buskers in downtown Waterloo) today doesn't
seem to bring much to distract us from the muggy heat.

Students are trickling onto campus, some bearing payment of their 
registration fees, some getting their photo ID cards, some seeking to 
change courses for which they preregistered last spring.  (Drops and adds 
are being handled manually at this point; the on-line drop-and-add centres 
open for business after Labour Day.) Staff of the registrar's office and 
financial services will be meeting later this morning to get updated figures 
on undergraduate registrations for the fall term.  Today is the last day
fee receipts will be sent out to students who have paid by mail.  After
today, the receipts will be held for pickup at the registration centre.

LOOKING AHEAD, here are a few events of importance coming up in early fall:

Faculty Development Days, September 8 and 9, offer five major sessions
on teaching skills and issues.  Among them: "Strategies for Teaching in
a Large Classroom", starring Paul Eagles of recreation and leisure studies,
who has taught in Davis Centre room 1351 and lived to tell about it.
Also: "Accountability and University Autonomy", with UW president James
Downey and faculty association president Jim Brox.  Teaching Development
Days are sponsored by the teaching resource office and the faculty
association.  The full schedule has been distributed to departments in
printed form, and can be found on UWinfo under "Departments" and then
"TRACE" (and I'll try to say more about it in the Bulletin some time next

Larry Cummings of the school of architecture is about to retire, and will
be honoured with a reception Friday evening, September 16, at The Club
Willowells in north Waterloo.  RSVP's go to Ena Wrighton at ext. 3251.
Contributions are being invited for a fund in his honour, "for small
loans to needy students who are interested in subjects near to Professor
Cummings' concerns".

The optometry school presents the sixth annual Clair Bobier Lecture in
Vision on September 13.  The speaker will be Robert F. Hess of McGill
University, on "Amblyopia: Modern Approaches to an Old Problem".

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca