Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, August 24, 1994

THE BOOKSTORE and UW Shop are reopening this morning, although South 
Campus Hall is still something of a construction mess. The orange fence 
has been removed from the front steps and you can now walk into the building 
and see the new glassed-in "mall" where the store, the shop, Pastry Plus, 
Marlin Travel, and before long a graphic services copy shop will all flaunt 
their wares.

HAPPY RETIREMENT: Leaving shortly, "after many years of service to the 
university community with the police and parking services", are Phil McKay 
(the parking supervisor) and Les Cunningham (one of the sergeants who 
supervise UW police officers around the clock). The two will be honoured 
with a reception today, from 4 to 6 p.m. at the University Club. Last-minute
information comes from Cathy Mitchell at ext. 3630.

Plenty of other retirements are happening this month as well.  Among the 
parties to note:

     -- Marsha Blok of the reference department in the Dana Porter Library 
will be guest of honour at a luncheon next Wednesday, August 31, at the 
University Club.

     -- Gord Ambrose of the distance education office is the guest of honour  
Thursday, September 8, from 4 to 6 p.m. in South Campus Hall. RSVP's go to      
Meredith McGinnis at ext. 3307, meredith@corr1.

     -- Tom Fitzgerald, Don Harris and Mac McMartin, all of the department 
of co-op education and career services, are honoured with a reception Monday, 
September 12, from 4:30 to 6 at the University Club. RSVP's go to Ruth Hanna 
at ext. 6624.

POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Since there's no Gazette this Wednesday, the weekly
list of Positions Available has been circulated to department offices, and 
can also be found on UWinfo (look under Departments, then Human Resources). 
Here are the titles of the jobs in the August 24 list:

     Patrol officer, UW police services, grade USG 6
     Weekend supervisor, Dana Porter Library, grade USG 4
     Stationary engineer third class, plant operations

For more information: human resources, phone ext. 2524.

STRIKE ZONE:  The most worried person on campus this week is Pat Martin,
office manager for the UW staff association.  Why?  She's holding a busload's
worth of tickets for the Toronto Blue Jays game on Friday, September 2, and
nobody knows whether the current baseball strike will be settled in time 
for the game to be played.  (Negotiators for major league owners and 
ballplayers are meeting today, but things don't look good.)  If the game's 
cancelled, ticket-holders and the staff association will get their money 
back; but Martin's hoping to sell the tickets anyway ($37 per person, 
including bus ride) just in case the Jays and the Oakland A's do meet
that evening.  She can be reached at ext. 3566.

UTILITIES -- electrical power, heating, cooling and ventilation -- will be
shut off in Village 1, Village 2 and Federation Hall tomorrow, Thursday,
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for maintenance on an electrical substation, the
plant operations department advises.

OOPS:  Finally, a couple of corrections, to prove that I'm not perfect and
I know it.

In Monday's Bulletin, I said Jillian Arnott was manager of the Math Society
coffee and doughnut stand.  Nope: "Brenda Wilson is and has been for
several years," Arnott writes. "I am a student volunteer with MathSoc who 
once worked as a cashier there. I wouldn't mind being the manager there 
but I think that Brenda would be kind of upset if I tried it without telling 
her first."

In yesterday's Bulletin, I said Bruce Hutchinson was associate dean in
the engineering faculty.  Well, he used to be, but for some two years now
he's been chair of the civil engineering department.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca