Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, August 23, 1994

SCIENCE MEETING:  The federal government's "federal science and
technology review" hits Waterloo today, with a morning-long "local
consultation" starring the science minister, Jon Gerrard, and about 115
people from UW and Kitchener-Waterloo.  The consultation is one of 21 
community workshops and meetings being held across Canada this summer.
The all-morning session started at 9 in the Davis Centre.  Gerrard is
to speak at the beginning and end of the meeting, with small group
discussions occupying most of the time between. 

Organizer of the session -- in a week when most of UW's top officials
are on vacation -- was Bruce Hutchinson, associate dean (graduate studies
and research) in the faculty of engineering.  He'll also speak this
morning, as will Kitchener's member of Parliament, John English.

ALSO TODAY is a "creativity workshop" sponsored by the staff training and
development committee -- so if a staff co-worker explains that "I'm at
a workshop" and won't be in the office today, that's not a creative
explanation, it's the truth.  Rhonda MacInnes, who did an earlier workshop
for a staff group this year, promises that "The emphasis will be on
practical ways to generate a little Constructive Creative Chaos."  

The staff training and development committee has another workshop set for
next week (Tuesday, August 30): "Financial Planning for Non-Experts".
But Marg Letter of human resources advises that that one's full and she
has a waiting list of would-be participants.

THE BOOKSTORE and UW Shop didn't manage to reopen yesterday after all,
as the South Campus Hall construction isn't quite as far advanced as had
been expected.  Co-manager May Yan says the stores are planning to open
starting tomorrow (Wednesday).

LET US SPRAY:  The contractor in charge of spraying UW lawns with
pesticide started work this morning on "selected areas inside the ring
road", says Rudy Molinary of the plant operations department.  In keeping
with the plan to eliminate spraying over the next few years, just 40
acres of grass are being sprayed this year, he said.  The job should
be finished within a day or two.

UTILITIES will be on and off at the Campus Centre during the next few
days, as the Student Centre construction project continues.  Notices
from plant operations say hot water and steam will be shut off from
Wednesday morning at 7 until Friday afternoon at 1, and cold water will
be shut off from Thursday afternoon at 3 until Thursday evening at 8.

TECHNOLOGY WORKSHOP: David Finnemore of the University of Cape Town is
visiting Waterloo, and will give a talk Thursday (3:30 to 4:30 in Math
and Computer room 2009) about the PRISM program.  PRISM stands for
Programmed Interaction in Science and Mathematics, and is a teaching
system for high school and "junior tertiary" students.  The talk is
presented with help from the teaching resources office.  Anyone interested
can get in touch with Peter Chieh in the chemistry department, e-mail

THE ART OF DANCE:  Carousel Dance Centre, based at UW, is now accepting
fall registration for children aged 5 and up.  "We offer a highly enriched
dance program," writes director Christine Parker, "emphasizing child
development and creativity. Classes in modern dance, ballet and jazz
technique" are offered.  Classes start Friday, September 9.  Parker can
be reached at ext. 3147 for more information.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca