Daily Bulletin, Monday, August 22, 1994

I'M HOME FROM vacation and catching up on what's happened over the past
few weeks -- a duty made easier since I've been able to read the Daily
Bulletin from a distance during my absence.   Many thanks to the
colleagues in Information and Public Affairs who have been producing

So here's what I find on my return:

     -- The Ontario Council on University Affairs has issued a "discussion
     paper" about possible changes to the way universities are funded.
     I haven't had the opportunity to read it yet, but news reports
     suggest that it's proposing a shift to a system by which governments
     would contract with individual universities for specific levels
     of enrolment and performance.

     -- The long-delayed O'Sullivan report on reorganization of UW's
     top management has been delayed again.  Look for it in September.
     (September?  Labour Day's only two weeks away!)

     -- The ring road has been ripped up here and there for maintenance
     expected and unexpected.

     -- Construction fences are still up at South Campus Hall, but the
     bookstore and UW Shop are expecting to reopen this morning after a
     two-week shutdown.  The work also continues at the Campus Centre, 
     where the new student centre is rapidly taking shape.  And, I gather, 
     in Math and Computer, where computing services will soon open its new 
     customer support centre.  And in the Davis Centre, where food services 
     is "puttering away" at building a Tim Horton doughnut counter, according 
     to food services director Mark Murdoch. 

HUNGRY?  Only a few of the food services outlets are open during this
fourth week of August.  You can quell the pangs at the Pastry Plus outlet
in Needles Hall; at the Modern Languages coffee shop; and at the food fair
in the Davis Centre, although Pastry Plus there is under the wrecker's 
hammer as the Tim outlet is being constructed.

There's one other possibility for snacks: the Math Society coffee and
doughnut shop on the third floor of Math and Computer.  For the first
time, says manager Jillian Arnott, it's open all through the between-terms

SCIENCE MINISTER:  The federal secretary of state for science, Jon Gerrard,
hits campus tomorrow for a "local consultation" on the federal science
and technology study.  It's one of 21 community workshops and meetings
being held across Canada this summer.  The morning-long session starts
at 9:00 in Davis Centre room 1350; about 115 participants are expected.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca