Daily Bulletin, Thursday, August 18, 1994

ENROLMENT FIGURES:  UW is close to reaching its enrolment target
for first-year students this fall.

Already, 3,594 full-time first-year students have pre-registered
for fall term.  That's pretty close to the university's target of
3,641 students by November 1, when final enrolment figures are
reported to the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training.

"With several weeks to go before the beginning of classes more
pre-registrations will be submitted," said Ken Lavigne, associate
registrar, admissions and student awards.  "I am confident that
the university's overall Year 1 enrolment goal will be met."

Of the six faculties, Applied Health Sciences, Arts and
Environmental Studies are slightly exceeding their individual
targets, while Engineering and Mathematics are close to meeting
theirs.  Science is within striking distance of its target.

ORGANIC LAWNS:  Brian Detzler, turf supervisor at the City of
Waterloo, will discuss "Organic Lawn Care" tonight on campus.

Detzler will present a how-to program for the homeowner on
organic lawn care.  He will also explain his "Plant Health Care
Program" to reduce pesticide spraying on city turf by 99.5 per

His two-hour talk, beginning at 7 p.m. in Environmental Studies
1, Room 350, is part of the continuing Rethinking Urban
Landscapes public lecture series organized by two Environmental
Studies students, Cheryl Evans and Katherine Dale.

The series is intended to educate people about the significant
resource and natural habitat drains caused by the cultivation of
chemically treated lawns.

The lectures will also provide practical how-to tips on
alternative landscaping.  Alternative options to be discussed
include organically maintained lawns, edible landscapes, drought-
resistant landscapes (xeriscapes), low-maintenance landscapes and
native ecosystem landscapes.

POWER LOSS:  A construction vehicle struck a cable supplying the
Health Services building yesterday, causing a temporary loss of
electrical power.

Horst Beyerle, supervisor of electrical distribution and controls
at plant operations, said the back hoe damaged the cable at noon
and that an alternate supply of power was soon provided by a
generator operating at the Campus Centre.  Regular service is
expected to be in place by tomorrow.

"This is only the second time in about 15 years that a major
cable has been cut.  The last time it happened it put out the
whole campus," Beyerle said.

NO UPS OR DOWNS:  The passenger elevator in the Psychology,
Anthropology, Sociology building will be out of operation from
tomorrow through September 2 for maintenance work.

"We are doing a major repair and it's the best time of the year
to do it," said Horst Beyerle, of plant operations.

MUSLIM FESTIVAL:  Maulud-un-Nabi, anniversary of the birth of the
prophet Mohammed, begins this evening.

John Morris,
UW News Bureau, (519) 888-4567, ext. 6047