Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, August 16, 1994

SPRAYING THE GRASS:  A crew will be on campus in the next few
days spraying selected grass areas with weed-killer.

About 40 acres of grass are being treated with pesticide this
year, down from 50 acres in 1993 (and as much as half of the 300-
acre south campus just a few years ago), said Rudy Molinary of
the plant operations department.  No area is sprayed more than
once a year.

Meanwhile, a "turf grass maintenance committee" of staff,
students and faculty has been at work for more than two years,
helping to develop a plan for reducing the use of pesticides so
that by 1998 no turf grass will be sprayed at all.

"There's absolutely no reason why you can't have grass and not
use any pesticides or inorganic fertilizers on it," said Prof.
James Kay, of the department of environment and resource studies,
one member of the committee.

Measures being taken include new watering and fertilizing
methods; conversion to "rotary" lawn mowers that let grass grow
longer and denser; tests of new kinds of seed; and replacement of
grass with other kinds of plant life, ranging from cultivated
ground-cover to natural plants, particularly in fringe areas of

PHD THESES:  Two PhD oral examinations will be held in the
Faculty of Arts next Monday.  Notice of the submissions were not
available in time for the usual listing in the UW Gazette, which
last published July 27.  (The Gazette will resume publication
September 7.)

Psychology: Steve Joordens, "Exploring Conscious and Unconscious
Influences." Supervisor: Prof. John Holmes. Oral defence: Monday,
August 22, 1994, at 10 a.m. in Psychology, Anthropology,
Sociology building, Room 3026.

Philosophy: David Jennex, "Genetic Engineering and Our Sense of
Self." Supervisor: Prof. Larry Haworth. Oral defence: Monday,
August 22, 1994, at 2 p.m. in Hagey Hall, Room 334.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY:  Our best wishes to Jack Williams, director of
counselling services, who celebrates today.

John Morris,
UW News Bureau, (519) 888-4567, ext. 6047