Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, August 9, 1994

NEW COPY CENTRE:  A new copy centre will be in business this fall
at South Campus Hall, which is currently undergoing a major

"A large full service retail copy centre is under construction in
SCH," said Linda Norton, director of UW's graphic services
department.  She added that the facility should be up and running
by early October.

MEMORIAL SERVICE:  A memorial service will be held this afternoon
for the wife of UW's former dean of graduate studies, Prof. Lynn
Watt.  Pauline Watt died Aug. 4 at the age of 70.

The service at Conrad Grebel College's chapel begins at 2 p.m. As
expressions of sympathy, the family would appreciate memorial
donations to the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital Foundation.

Lynn Watt, who retired in 1990, was a member of the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering.  At present, he is the
coordinator of the National Presidents, Vice-Presidents and the
McQTWW Group of Ten research-intensive universities (McMaster,
Queen's, Toronto, Waterloo and Western).

FUNDING REVIEW:  A review of how universities are funded in an
era of fiscal clawbacks is being carried out by the Ontario
Council on University Affairs.

In a discussion paper, released Monday, the council put forward
several methods to alter the current funding system, which is
based roughly on grants increasing in tandem with enrolment
growth.  As well, the paper proposes a new model to fund the
province's 16 universities.

OCUA chair Joy Cohnstaedt said the main issue is whether the
current funding system can be adapted to changing times or
whether it must be rebuilt altogether.  Ontario now spends $1.8
billion annually on universities.

One suggested change would be to make the current system more
responsive to actual enrolment, rather than enrolment patterns of
previous years.

A more substantial change would be for the government to spell
out its mandate for universities in the areas of teaching,
research and community service.  Then the government would
negotiate with universities on the level of activities expected
and the funding for pay for them.

STUDENT SERVICES:  The new Student Services Advisory Committee is
getting to work today.

The committee, made up of student leaders, senior UW officials,
and managers from student service departments, has the job of
examining all UW's student services in light of the new
"ancillary fee" that will be assessed for the first time this

The committee will start work on the long process of considering
which services should be paid for by all students through the
fee, and which should be run on a "user pay" basis.  For example,
there might be a general charge to cover administrative costs in
athletics, and an individual charge each time someone uses a
towel in the locker room.

The first meeting of the committee -- created by an agreement
last spring -- begins at 3:30 p.m.in Needles Hall, Room 3004.

SURPLUS SALES:  Here's your chance to pick up that stuff you
always needed.  Drop by UW's central stores in East Campus Hall
today for a three-hour surplus sale, beginning at 5 p.m.

Some of the merchandise on sale:  computers, televisions,
printers, desks, steno chairs, file boxes, curtains, letter
trays, swivel chairs, microfiche copiers, cassette tapes and a

John Morris,
UW News Bureau, (519) 888-4567, ext. 6047