Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, March 30, 1994

ANCILLARY FEE:  The committee studying "ancillary fees" to pay for student
services has delivered its report, the provost has approved it, and it's
on its way to the board of governors next Tuesday.  If the board approves,
students will be paying a fee each term starting next September.

The fee in 1994-95 would be $24.31 for full-time undergraduates, and $16.20
for full-time graduate students.  Part-timers would pay 30 per cent of the
full-time fee ($7.29 and $4.86).  Correspondence and off-campus students
would be the only ones who do not pay at all.

The fee would rise to $40.73 (undergrads) and $27.09 (grads) in 1995-96
and to an ongoing level of $61.06 (undergrads) and $40.61 (grads) each
term starting in 1996-97.

The fee is intended to recover "$2,628,000 in 1992-93 costs associated with
providing students with services of a non-academic nature", including the
art gallery, the Theatre of the Arts, the English language proficiency
program, health services, safety, counselling services, athletics
administration, campus recreation, and career services.  

There would be a continuing Student Services Advisory Committee, made up of
six students and five other members, to "review" the services paid for from
the special fee, advise on "adequacy" of the services and changes in the
fee, and look for outside funding where possible.

The proposal that has come to the provost and is on its way to the board of
governors was written by a four-person committee: UW's treasurer, the
associate provost (academic affairs), and the presidents of the Federation
of Students and Graduate Student Association.

FINANCE COMMITTEE:  Meeting at 3:00 today (Needles Hall 3001) is the senate
finance committee, which can now get down to work on the university's 1994-95
budget.  Latest word from UW's provost, Jim Kalbfleisch, was that "We
still face significant difficulties".  See this morning's Gazette for a
roundup of what last week's government funding announcement seems to mean.

GRADS MEET:  The annual general meeting of the Graduate Student Association
will be held tonight in Needles Hall room 3001, starting at 7:00.

SUMMER TOMORROW:  There may still be white stuff on the ground, but the
organizers of the Community Campaign want you to think summer tomorrow --
wear an August hat or a sunny smile, as the case may be, and donate $2 through
your departmental campaign representative for the privilege.  For an extra
$1 you can buy a raffle ticket to win a weekend in a Toronto hotel.

I'd be grateful for memos by e-mail tomorrow morning (before 9:30) telling 
me who's in particularly gaudy summer attire, so I can mention the bright 
summer constellations in tomorrow's Daily Bulletin.

GETTING AN A:  Well, exams start on April 8 (can you believe it?), but you
can get an A a little early by plucking one from pretty well any campus
bulletin board or handy tree.  What's with those hundreds of "A" flyers all
over the place?  We don't have a full answer, but note that A stands for
fine Arts, and for Ann Roberts, who teaches there!

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca