Daily Bulletin, Friday, March 25, 1994

FROSTY FRIDAY:  Birthday wishes today go to Peter Russell of the earth
sciences department, who's busy these days helping to organize a gem show
May 14-15 in Village 2.  The Canadian Federation of Mineralogical Societies 
is the sponsor. The show kicks off the annual meetings of the Geological 
and Mineralogical Associations of Canada.

ATHLETES HONOURED:  The athletics department holds its 33rd annual
Athletic Awards Banquet tonight at Federation Hall (with dancing afterwards,
since athletes are an energetic crowd, to the Much Music Road Show).
Athena and Warrior Athletes of the Year will be named, as well as the
winners of the Hemphill Award and Director's Award (male and female
students respectively) for administrative, training and coaching work.
A long list of other honours ranges from Most Valuable Player on each 
of the interuniversity teams to the Battered Drumstick Award, "awarded
by the Warriors Band to whomever they wish".

FISCAL YEAR-END:  UW's fiscal year officially ends April 30, which is a
Saturday this year, so call it April 29.  A flyer from financial services
lists various cutoff dates that apply to 1993-94 transactions: for example,
travel claims, invoices and cheque requests must be turned in by May 9.

DOWN ON THE FARM:  A workshop on students and farming takes place today
in Environmental Studies 1 room 221.  It's organized by Lynne Thomson, who
got interested in agricultural issues during her work for an environment
and resource studies course, and has lined up speakers on "community
shared agriculture", "organic and ecological farming", and "permaculture".
After lunch, about 16 farmers will be on hand to talk about jobs or
experiences in agriculture that are available to students.

CONCERTS THIS WEEKEND:  End-of-term concerts by the music department's
performing groups are set for this weekend.  The stage band holds its
concert tonight at 8, cabaret-style, in the Conrad Grebel College great
hall.  The chamber choir performs at 8 p.m. Saturday in St. John's Lutheran
Church, Waterloo.  And the university choir performs Sunday at 8 in
St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Kitchener.  In each case, tickets are $6,
students $4.  The music department at 885-0220 ext. 226 can provide 
more information.

WATERLOO ON TV:  People on UW figure largely in a program about the
so-called "information superhighway", to be broadcast Saturday night
at 8:30 on CITY-TV (channel 7); the show is called "Media Television".
A CITY crew interviewed several of UW's experts about two weeks ago.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca