Daily Bulletin, Monday, March 21, 1994

SPRING HAS SPRUNG, and the flowers that will brighten the campus this
year are little green spikes of promise in the Columbia Street greenhouses.
Planting started in January, says Les Van Dongen, who tends the greenhouses
year-round but is particularly busy at this season.  His target date is
the Tuesday after Victoria Day in May, when UW's grounds crews begin a 
frantic few days of transplanting to have the campus gorgeous for spring 
convocation weekend.

Because it's the first day of spring, we can wish Happy New Year to members
of the Baha'i faith, and to Iranians and Iranian-Canadians of all faiths.
An exhibition of Iranian art, and showing of Iranian films, runs today and
tomorrow in the Davis Centre, and a night of traditional music and dance
tomorrow evening in Humanities room 180.

SENATE TONIGHT:  UW's senate meets at 7:30 tonight in Needles Hall room 
3001.  Among the items on the agenda:

     Final reading of a revised Policy 46, UW's document on faculty
     promotions.  The revision, three years in the making, overhauls the
     detailed procedure that must be followed for promotion from assistant
     professor to associate professor, or associate professor to full
     professor.  It also defines at length what UW's expectations are for
     teaching, research and service at each rank.

     A proposal to extend the title of "professor emeritus" to most retired
     professors, with "distinguished professor emeritus" available as a
     special honour for a few.

     Announcement of this year's Distinguished Teacher Award winners.

     The proposed admission requirements for undergraduate programs in

FINALLY, a happy birthday to Byron Weber Becker of the department of
computer science!

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca