Daily Bulletin, Friday, March 18, 1994

CO-OP DIRECTOR:  Bruce Lumsden will officially become director of the
department of co-operative education and career services as of Monday,
March 21.  The announcement was made yesterday by Robin Banks, associate
provost (academic affairs).  Lumsden has been interim director of the
department in recent weeks, since the retirement of Jim Wilson.  In taking
the co-op post permanently, he leaves his position as associate registrar
(part-time studies) and associate director of teaching resources and
continuing education.

DOWN KING STREET:  The Engineering Society holds its fund-raising "bus
push" tomorrow morning; let's hope the snow stops before then.  The parade
starts from South Campus Hall at 9:30 and runs down University Avenue and 
King Street to downtown Kitchener.  It's a money-raiser for Big Sisters,
a charity with which the (predominantly male) EngSoc has a longstanding
relationship, and pledges will be welcome.  We'd imagine they'll be
accepted along the parade route, or at the EngSoc office in Carl Pollock Hall.

ALSO this weekend, the drama department's production of "The Country Wife"
continues in the Theatre of the Arts.  "Spirit of the West" at Federation
Hall tonight is sold out, although a few people might get in at the last

And soon-to-graduate math students will party down at Bingeman Park on 
Saturday night.  The Grad Ball has an Arabian Nights theme this year.  Don't
look for the dean of math, Jack Kalbfleisch, to lead the dancing -- he's
on crutches thanks to a recent slip on the ice.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca