Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, March 15

THEY'RE HERE:  The high school students are streaming in for UW's 22nd
annual Campus Day.  Visitors' headquarters is in the foyer of the Davis
Centre, and tours start from there from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Minibuses are
circling the ring road to take the high schoolers (and parents accompanying
many of them) to such far-flung activities as engineering demonstrations
("morph your face off . . . building Frosty using meatballs") and classes
at St. Paul's College (sit in on "Canadian culture narratives" at 2:30).

The Math Society is selling pizza at noontime on the third floor of Math
and Computer, visitors to engineering are invited to "enjoy a cup of coffee
with the Dean", there are doughnuts in the Villages, lunch is free at
Conrad Grebel College for students who attend morning tours or information
sessions -- the visitors should get enough to eat and drink, anyway.

Also happening: the perennial Science Spectacular at 1:30 in Biology 1
room 271.  The stage band plays at 12:30 in the Davis Centre.  And the
Campus Shop in the Campus Centre promises a "free gift" for each high
schooler who drops by.

DONORS HONOURED:  A special event happens tonight for members of the
President's Committee, high-level individual donors to the university.
They've been invited to a preview performance of the drama department's
show "The Country Wife" in the Theatre of the Arts, with a reception
to follow.

Public performances of Andrew Wycherley's "The Country Wife" are Wednesday
through Saturday nights.  The Humanities box office has tickets.

PICNIC SCHEDULED:  You can mark it on your calendar now: the development
office and the Community Campaign council have set June 1 as the date for
this year's university-wide picnic, celebrating another twelve months of
campaign progress and good things happening at the university.  Details of
the noon-hour event will be appearing over the next couple of months.

RECYCLING GOES WELL:  A "zero waste pilot project" is under way on the
fifth floor of the Dana Porter Library.  Progress, according to this week's
library office newsletter: "Before the Zero Waste Project began, 22% of
the total audit weight was recyclable paper.  The latest audit shows
recyclable paper accounts for less than 2%."  What's still going into the
garbage?  Paper towels now account for 42 per cent of the total.

TODAY IS the Ides of March -- no assassinations on the steps of UW's senate
are likely, since the senate doesn't meet until next Monday.  And happy
birthday today to Gunter Scholz of the physics department.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca