Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, March 8, 1994

TODAY IS International Women's Day.  In honour of the occasion we'll
quote a statistic (the credit goes to Heather White of the operations
analysis department): as of October 1, UW had 829 full-time faculty members,
of whom 15.8 per cent were women.

Events today:  a panel discussion on "sexual harassment", 12 noon, Math
and Computer room 5158; "Body Image", with two people from counselling
services, 12:30, Davis Centre room 1301; "Women Workers of India", a talk
by Raka Sharan of the Indian Institute of Technology, 3:30, Humanities
room 334; and a discussion on "genital mutilation", 7 p.m., Needles Hall 3001.

And the Federation of Students women's centre ("womyn's centre" as its
own literature prefers to say) is holding a day-long open house, in Campus
Centre room 217.

Tomorrow, as a week of activities about women's issues continues:  Native 
women's well-being, 12:30, Davis Centre 1301; alternative medicine and 
homeopathy for women, 7 p.m., Needles Hall 3001; Kenyan women's music, a 
talk by Carol Ann Weaver of Conrad Grebel College, 7:30.

CHANGE YOUR CLOTHES:  A "community clothes exchange" is taking place in
the Environmental Studies 1 courtyard today and tomorrow (10 a.m. to 7
p.m.).  The idea: bring (clean) clothes, shoes and towels either to exchange,
or to leave behind for sale.  The profits, and the leftover items, go to
Anselma House shelter.  The environment and resource studies student
association is behind this project.

COMING TO CAMPUS:  The science faculty's Dialogue on Gender Relations, 
Thursday afternoon. Campus Day on Tuesday, March 15, with thousands of
high school students and their parents checking the place out.  Green
specials at the Laurel Room to mark St. Patrick's Day.  An Easter egg hunt
at the South Campus Hall gift shop.  Spring!

WHAT TIME does this Daily Bulletin appear on uw.general, uw.campus-news
and the UWinfo main menu?  Usually around 10 a.m., but it varies.  I don't
try to have it out in time for everybody to read with the day's first cup
of coffee, or to start the day with the national anthem like "morning
announcements" in high school, partly because I want to leave room for
whatever news arrives in the day's first phone calls and e-mail messages.
Look for the Bulletin somewhere between breakfast and lunch.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca