Daily Bulletin, Friday, March 4, 1994

TAX CERTIFICATES:  If you're a student filing an income tax return for
1993, you're going to need your Tuition and Education Credit Certificate,
otherwise known as Form T-2202A, which proves that you paid fees to UW
last year.  The certificates have been available for some time now, and
if you don't have yours yet, you should pick it up at the registrar's
office on the second floor of Needles Hall.  (This note applies to
both graduate and undergraduate students who are registered full-time in
the winter term.  Part-timers and those who are no longer at UW will
get their certificates in the mail, but certificates won't be mailed to
students still registered full-time.)

HE SAYS, SHE SAYS:  Staff and faculty members are specially invited to
today's performance of "He Says, She Says", UW's play about "acquaintance
rape and violence against women in relationships".  David Dietrich of
the human resources department notes that this performance "is particularly
suited to employees.  The live drama created for student audiences will 
be shown but unlike all the other performances, it will be followed by 
descriptions of the help available to employees and their families.  Our hope
is that this format will generate questions and answers and thereby raise 
more awareness and understanding of this sensitive subject."  The play
starts at 12:30 in Siegfried Hall, St. Jerome's College, and the discussion
afterwards will run to about 2:30.

UTILITY SHUTDOWN:  The Davis Centre will be without heat and water for
much of tomorrow, as the plant operations deparatment installs a new
hot-water boiler with energy conservation in mind.   Hot and cold water
will be off from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, and natural gas from 
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

THIS WEEKEND:  The drama department's "Agnes of God" continues tonight
at 8, Saturday at 2 and 8, in the studio theatre.  The dance department's
spring concert, "Spirit", goes at 8 p.m. Saturday and 2:30 Sunday in the
Humanities Theatre.  The UW box office, 885-4280, has tickets for both

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca