Daily Bulletin, Friday, April 29, 1994

THE LAST DAY:  The bookstore and the computer store are closed today for
inventory, and many other departments will be counting bolts and boxes too.
It's the last day of the 1993-94 fiscal year.

For year-end accounting, the department of computing services says, it will
shut down VM/CMS computing service at 11:00 tonight, and usage on continuing
accounts will be reset to zero.  Service will resume about noon on Saturday.

HEALTH INSURANCE:  Memos are out from the dean of graduate studies and the
personnel department about health insurance for foreign students, now that
the Ontario Health Insurance Plan won't cover them.  (Visa students already
in Canada are covered until June 30, but new arrivals aren't covered at all.)

Says the dean: "The university is trying to arrange appropriate insurance
at a reasonable cost to these students, but such arrangements will not be in
time for new students arriving on campus for the Spring term.  Consequently,
we are advising new students to buy health insurance for the period until
August 31."  The plan being recommended is "University Health and Accident,
Plus Life", offered by John Ingle Insurance, 800 Bay Street, Toronto
M5S 3A9, phone (800) 387-4770.  The premium for the four-month term:
$286 single, $572 family.

POWER SHUTOFF:  Electrical power will be off on Saturday in the Health and
Safety building (from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.) and in the Campus Centre (from
8 a.m. to noon) for preventive maintenance.  "Computer equipment should be
shut down in an orderly fashion," the plant operations department advises.

TODAY:  The psychology department hosts the 24th Undergraduate Psychology
Conference, with 126 papers presented by students from most of Ontario's
universities, all day today in the Arts Lecture Hall.  At 4 p.m. Mark Zanna
of the psych department gives a special lecture -- "Alcohol Myopia: Does
Intoxication Lead to 'Risky Business'"?

Some 2,000 women converge on the university today for the two-day Women
Alive conference, a religious gathering held here each spring.  Most
meetings will be held in the Physical Activities Complex; the Village 2
conference centre and church college residences are providing accommodation.

THE WEEKEND:  The plant operations department holds its spring dinner and
dance in Federation Hall on Saturday night.  

Sunday is Literacy Day, with celebrations centred at Kitchener's city hall 
from 1 to 5 p.m., including a "celebrity spelling bee", storytellers for 
adults and children, and talks by Joe Gold (retired from UW's English 
department) and Ken McLaughlin (St. Jerome's College). The Optometry Student 
Society is among the sponsors, as is the UW bookstore.

LAST CALL FOR BOOKS: If you have written a book and had it published in 1993, 
the UW library would like to know about you.  The Friends of the Library are 
hosting an event May 9 to celebrate UW writers.  Part of the celebration 
will be a display of books written by campus authors.  If you would like your 
book included in this display, you should contact Mary Stanley at ext. 6019 
or send a copy of your book and a brief biographical statement to her at the 
Dana Porter Library.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca