Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, April 27, 1994

SECRETARIES DAY:  The correct name of the celebration is Professional
Secretaries Day, we learn -- after all, it's sponsored by Professional
Secretaries International.  How avidly is it celebrated at UW?  I asked 
a couple of the university's senior officers this morning, and was told 
that they don't see it as a big deal and, apparently, neither do their 
secretaries.  To show appreciation of the essential work that secretaries 
and other support staff do, "we try to do things on and off throughout the 
year," one of them told me.

ALSO TODAY:  It's a day of mourning in the United States, for the funeral
of former president Richard Nixon.  Historical anniversaries:  Samuel Morse
was born on this date in 1791.  ... ---  .-- .... .- - ...  -. . .--
.- -  ...- . ...-- ..- --- .--  ..--..

High school students from 60 schools in 14 Ontario counties come to
campus today for UW's annual French contest, being held in the Arts
Lecture Hall.

RETIREMENTS:  Billi Edward, long-time staff member in UW's library, is
retiring at the end of April, after making an estimated 148,000 updates
and corrections to the serials list.  Colleagues will fete her at a coffee
party in the Dana Porter Library staff room this morning.

As Elaine Reimer of the university research office retires from UW, a wine
and cheese reception in her honour will be held tomorrow (April 28) from 4
to 6 p.m. at the University Club. RSVPs should go to Doreen White at ext.

POWER SHUTDOWN:  Heating, cooling, ventilation and electrical power will
be shut down in Environmental Studies I and II from 6 to 10 p.m. tonight
"to perform a main breaker conversion", the plant operations department
says.  It advises that "Computer equipment should be shut down in an orderly
fashion" before 6:00.

BUDGET ON VIEW:  The senate finance committee meets at 3 p.m. (Needles
Hall room 3001) to discuss a proposed UW budget for 1994-95.  The proposal
from the provost, Jim Kalbfleisch, includes a "contingency reserve" of
$657,000 "to provide a measure of protection against further income loss",
meaning the possibility that the government will cut university grants
in mid-year as it did in 1993-94.

The budget doesn't call for any layoffs or program cuts.  Departments are
taking a general 1.9 per cent budget cut, the final stage of a three-year
6 per cent reduction that's been going on since before the Social Contract
was a twinkle in anybody's eye.  But there are modest increases here
and there.  The budget for new books and journals in the libraries, for
instance, is to go up by $90,000 from this year's figure of $4,533,000.

POSITIONS:  There is no Gazette issue today -- it'll be back in print next
week -- so here are the week's Positions Available as issued by the human
resources department.

     Research Programmer - Computer Science (Computer Graphics Lab) - USG 8
     Undergraduate degree in Computer Science or related discipline;
     Masters degree preferred.  Experience with software design and
     development, user interface design and rapid prototyping
     essential.  Familiarity with programming in the MS-Windows
     environment and experience with multi-media applications and
     usability testing an asset.  Good communication (oral and
     written), interpersonal and organizational skills.  Ability to
     work independently and as a team member.  This position is
     contingent upon funding for renewal.
     Administrative Secretary to the Dean - Faculty of Science - USG 6
     Extensive secretarial experience in an academic environment.
     Sound knowledge of the faculty appointments, promotion and tenure
     process. Must be able to demonstrate experience in the
     administration of policies and procedures, particularly as they
     relate to faculty concerns. Excellent interpersonal,
     organizational and communication (both written and oral) skills.
     Excellent computer skills, including a strong working knowledge
     of Word and/or WordPerfect. Ability to take minutes an asset.
     Special Events/Promotions Co-ordinator - Federation of Students - USG 6
     University degree, Recreation & Leisure Studies preferred.
     Experience in co-ordinating large special events preferably in a
     campus environment.  Strong organizational and interpersonal
     skills.  Excellent communication skills (oral & written).
     Experience with student volunteers, advertising sales and fund
     raising.  Willingness to work some weekends and evenings.
For more information: human resources, 885-1211 ext. 2524.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca