Daily Bulletin, Tuesday,  April 26, 1994

CAMPAIGN WATERLOO:  From across campus, Community Campaign representatives
are getting together this afternoon (2:30, Math and Computer room 5158) for
a briefing on how things are going.  Says the invitation: "How is Campaign
Waterloo progressing?  How have sectors other than faculty, staff & retirees
responded?  What major gifts have been received recently?  What projects
have been helped by faculty/staff/retiree donations?  How are we going
to raise the remaining $400,000 to reach our $3 million goal?  Learn the
answers at the campaign rep forum."

The $3 million Community Campaign is part of Campaign Waterloo, a five-year
effort to raise $89 million for UW -- $67 million from the private sector
and $22 million from governments.  As of March 31, a campaign report says,
$47.6 million had come in from the private sector.  That includes $12 million
paid or pledged by students, mostly for the new recreation facility and the
Campus Centre expansion.  It also includes $13.4 million from corporations,
halfway to the $27 million goal for that group.  The heart of the public
sector campaign is an attempt to get the Ontario government to help pay for
a new environmental science and engineering building, an effort that so
far hasn't produced results.

CALLING THE CC:  The turnkey desk in the Campus Centre has a new phone
number.  It's no longer ext. 4434, or 888-4434 from off campus.  The new
number for the 24-hour-a-day turnkeys is ext. 3867.  From off campus you
call that using the university's "automated attendant" number -- the
keys to press would be 888-4567-1-3867-#.

END OF THE YEAR:  Friday, April 29, is the last day of UW's 1993-94 fiscal
year.  Quite a number of departments will be taking physical inventory that
day.  Closed for the day, in order to count the stock on hand, will be the
UW computer store; it'll reopen Monday, May 2.  

Many kinds of transactions must be done before Friday in order to count 
against 1993-94 budgets.  For example, computer store orders for departments 
must be picked up by the close of business Thursday.  Financial services
advises that cash deposits must be completed by 2 p.m. Friday to be included
in 1993-94 figures.

INSURANCE ADVICE:  The staff association has a discount arrangement for its
members with Johnson Insurance, a local brokerage, and has arranged for
"benefit specialist" Anna Joseph from Johnson's Kitchener office to be on
campus today and Thursday.  She'll meet with individuals, by appointment,
to go over their coverage, answer questions and give price quotations. 
Joseph will be available from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; the number to call for
appointments is 883-6101.

FINALLY, let's wish a happy birthday to Steve Little of the secondary
school liaison office, who's seeing results from his own and his colleagues'
work as those thousands of high schoolers apply for admission to Waterloo
this fall.  And let's note that it is, according to something called the
Wellness Permission League, "Hug an Australian Day".  I wonder whether
Bob Williams of the political science department, who's the mainstay of
the Canadian Society for Australian Studies, knows about this.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca