Daily Bulletin, Monday, April 25, 1994

IT'S A QUIET WEEK on campus, though there are some special visitors.  The
Kiwanis Music Festival runs all this week in the great hall and chapel of 
Conrad Grebel College.  A Rhythm Dance Festival, with performers from local 
dance schools, also runs all week in the Humanities Theatre.

Several food services outlets are closed, including everything in
South Campus Hall.  Also closed: the Matthews Hall snack bar and the
Bombshelter pub in the Campus Centre.  You can still feed your hunger
at the Davis Centre, the Modern Languages cafeteria, the Wild Duck Cafe
in the CC, or the Needles Hall Pastry Plus.

BUDGET NEWS:  Here are paragraphs from a memo issued Friday by UW's
provost, Jim Kalbfleisch, introducing a proposed 1994-95 budget for UW.
The proposal will be discussed by the senate finance committee on Wednesday.

     Since the new fiscal year begins May 1, Faculties and Departments
     have been told to work with a budget reduction of 1.9%, subject to
     possible revision after the Board of Governors meeting in June.
     This completes the 6% reduction over three years that all units have
     planned for.  As a result of this planning, the 1.9% budget reduction
     can be accomplished without staff layoffs or program closures.

     The Pension and Benefits Committee has agreed to a continuation of the
     reduced employee and employer contribution levels for another year.
     This is made possible by a substantial funding excess in the Pension
     Plan, and in no way jeopardizes the pensions of current or future

     Our salary agreements call for up to three unpaid days for staff and
     up to eight for faculty in 1994-95.  As a result of the pension
     contribution reduction, the number of unpaid days for faculty and
     staff will be decreased by two.  Thus there will be one unpaid day
     for staff and six for faculty in 1994-95.  As in 1993-94, the University
     will close for a "Social Contract Day" on the Monday of the February
     study break.

PIPE CONNECTIONS:  Work crews will be connecting chilled water pipes (for
air conditioning) to the Campus Centre extension tomorrow -- yes, the
construction project has reached the stage where there's something to
connect to.  As a result, chilled water to the CC, the Physical Activities
Complex and Matthews Hall will be shut off tomorrow from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
It may be a warm April, but air conditioning isn't in use yet, so there
shouldn't be any noticeable inconvenience, says Rick Zalagenas, manager of
the central plant.

VACATION FINE PRINT:  Here's a note from Linda Bluhm of the human resources
department:  "A recent Pension & Benefits Newsletter had an article on
exchanging vacation for a 2% increase in salary.  However, the date for
latest retirement has been extended; to qualify, the individual faculty or
staff member must commit to retirement no later than May 1, 2000.  The
arrangement can be put into place 36 months prior to retirement and
normally increases the amount of pension which will be received.  To obtain
more information and application forms, contact Wanda Speek (ext. 3573)
or Linda Bluhm (ext. 2046) in Human Resources."

PSYCHOLOGY MEETING:  The UW psychology department will host the 24th
Undergraduate Psychology Conference this Friday.  Students from nearly all
Ontario universities will be here, presenting a total of 126 papers.
Everyone is invited to drop in (the conference runs from 9 to 5 in the
Arts Lecture Hall), and at 4:10 there is a special talk by Mark Zanna of
the psych department, titled "Alcohol Myopia: Does Intoxication Lead to
'Risky Business'"?  Yvonne Weppler of the psych department adds that there's
still a need for faculty or graduate student volunteers to be moderators
for some of the day's sessions.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca