Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, April 20, 1994

NO GAZETTE:  There's no Gazette issue today (none next Wednesday either
-- look for us again May 4).  So the following Position Available listing
appears here instead:

Unix Software Specialist, MFCF/ICR, grade USG 10.  University degree,
preferably a Master's, in Computer Science or related discipline.  
Demonstrated programming skills.  System administration skills for SunOS,
Solaris, Ultrix, Irix and AIX.  Must be capable of learning quickly,
self-motivated and work with a minimum of supervision.  Good communication
skills (oral and written), interpersonal and organizational skills.  This
is a 2-year contract and is contingent upon funding for renewal.

Obligatory note: The university welcomes and encourages applications from
the designated employment equity groups: visible minorities, women, persons
with disabilities, and aboriginal people.  For more information call
885-1211 ext. 2524.

ATHLETICS DIRECTOR:  Judy McCrae will become UW's director of athletics on
July 1.  The current director, Wally Delahey, retires officially on September 
1.  McCrae's appointment was announced in a memo yesterday by Peter Hopkins, 
associate provost (student affairs).  She is UW's long-time field hockey
coach (and coach of the national team as well) and has been in charge of
women's intercollegiate sports.

UTILITY SHUTDOWN:  Electrical power and ventilation will be shut down in
Environmental Studies 1 and Biology 2 from 6 to 11 p.m. tonight, the plant
operations department advises.  "Some emergency power will be available," 
but computer users would be wise to shut down their systems before 6:00.
The shutdown is needed to perform a main breaker conversion in the main
electrical substation, plant ops says.

STATUS OF WOMEN:  Here are a few more selected recommendations from the
recently-released report on "The Status of Women at the University of

     (30b) There should be better liaison between the campus media and
     Security to facilitate the regular and immediate publication of
     sexual assaults on or near campus.

     (35) Men's groups on campus should be encouraged to communicate with
     the various women's groups on campus to create a climate of mutual

     (36a) A high priority should be given to installing telephones in 
     all graduate students' offices.

     (37a) All policies dealing with the hiring and promotion of faculty
     and with the hiring and advancement of staff . . . should be reviewed
     to ensure that there is no bias against those who have followed
     different or "non-traditional" career paths.

SPEAKER AT NOON:  Peter Hinchcliffe of St. Jerome's College will speak to
the Librarians' Association of UW at noon today (Dana Porter Library room
428).  His topic: "Editing The Ebb Tide", based on his work preparing a
new edition of this Robert Louis Stevenson novel.  All are welcome.

GOLF CLASSIC:  Organizers of the Matthews Classic golf tournament on June
23 have announced a change of site, to the Elmira Golf Course.  Times and
format details for the staff-and-faculty event are to be announced shortly,
says Dianne Keller of graphic services.

FEMINIST SPEAKERS:  Two speakers on women's issues will hit campus tomorrow.
Speaking at noon (Math and Computer 5158) is Constance Backhouse of the
University of Western Ontario, on "Sexual Harassment -- What's Left to Be

Speaking at 7 p.m. in the Humanities Theatre is Paula J. Caplan of the
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education.  Her topic (which is also the
title of her recent book): "Lifting a Ton of Feathers -- A Woman's Guide
to Surviving in the Academic World".  Admission is free.

Wanted: somebody who's going to the Caplan lecture and would like to write
about it as guest commentator for the next Gazette.  Please send me e-mail
today to volunteer.

CELEBRATIONS:  Today's the birthday of UW president James Downey, but he's
away from campus, so the cake in the president's office came yesterday (an
excellent chocolate marble one).  Actually it was a double celebration, as
yesterday marked the anniversary of Downey's first day at work as president.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca