Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, April 19, 1994

CONVOCATION HONOURS:  Three retired faculty members will be made
"Distinguished Professor Emeritus" at next month's convocation ceremonies.
That's the new title for what until now was just "professor emeritus".
Joining the distinguished ranks are Douglas Crowne of psychology,
Walter Martin of English, and John Schey of mechanical engineering.

Their honours were announced at last night's senate meeting.  Also at
the spring convocation, Jack Brown, former secretary of the university, 
will be given the rank of "honorary member of the university".

And there will be nine honorary degrees awarded. The recipients:

     Tim Benbow, director of the dictionary department at Oxford
        University Press.
     Francis Castellino, biochemist and dean, Univaersity of Notre Dame.
     Joan Chalmers, vice-president of Harbourfront, prominent figure
        in cultural activities.
     Betty Havens, provincial gerontologist in the Manitoba government.
     Evert Hoek, professor of rock engineering, University of Toronto.
     Michel Lavalou, president, Univerfsite de Technologie de Compiegne,
     Mike Lin, director, centre for applied stochastics research,
        Florida Atlantic University.
     Crispin St.-John Alvah Nash-Williams, professor of pure mathematics,
        University of Reading, England.
     George Renison, war hero, former chief executive of W. H. Smith
        Canada, chancellor of Renison College.

STATUS OF WOMEN:  Here are more selected recommendations from the recently
released report on "The Status of Women at the University of Waterloo":

     (24j) There should be a central registry for cases of sexual
     harassment kept by the Office of the Coordinator of Ethical Behaviour
     and Human Rights or by the Sexual Harassment Officer . . . ; in
     addition to providing data/statistics for analysis, this would ensure
     that repeat offenders would be identifiable.

     (25a) There should be a full-time "Sexual Harassment Officer" at UW,
     preferably a woman.

     (27a) Mandatory workshops/seminars should be provided for those
     officers of the University most likely to become involved in sexual
     harassment complaints, e.g., Department Chairs, Faculty Deans, Staff
     Supervisors, Co-op Coordinators, Residence Dons.

     (29) The University of Waterloo should adopt a Zero Tolerance policy
     with regard to the use of university resources for the display/
     dissemination of pornographic materials that have nothing to do with
     bona fide academic activities via electronic media on campus.

SHE'S RETIRING:  As Elaine Reimer of the research office retires from UW,
a wine and cheese reception in her honour will be held April 28 (Thursday
of next week) from 4 to 6 at the University Club.  RSVP's should go to
Doreen White at ext. 4704, and gift contributions can be sent to Pauline
Clough in Needles Hall 2072.

BOOKS FOR KIDS: The Early Childhood Education Centre in the psychology 
department is holding a book fair today and tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
in PAS building room 1003. It offers books for children of all ages.  

COMPUTING YEAR-END:  Gwen Burgess of the computing services department
notes that because of UW's fiscal year-end on April 29, DCS will be doing
some things that affect computing users.  She writes: "Please note that the 
changes listed below apply to DCS accounts only.  Users who have accounts 
on departmental computing facilities should check with the people in charge 
of those systems to find out if they intend to make any changes."

Some details:  "All Watserv1 userids which have an expiry date on or before 
April 29, 1994, will be removed at the end of that day.  At the end of 
April 29, 1994 the dollar charges of userids that are being carried forward 
will be set to zero.  Charges for the new fiscal year will accumulate from 
that date.  Dollar limits and expiry dates of these userids will be left 

LIBRARY SURVEY:  As the UW library continues its survey of users, 
questionnaire forms have been delivered to the mailboxes of all graduate
students, says Shabiran Rahman of the reference and collections development
department in the Dana Porter Library.  "This completes the third phase
of the Survey of the Information Needs of the Academic Community. . . . The
questionnaires should be returned by April 30."

A SALUTE TO CANADA:  That's the title of an April 30 event at St. Paul's
United College -- the fourth annual "dinner and auction" sponsored by the
college's Friends.  Tickets are $50 (phone 885-1460).  Those attending
will not only get to eat "Sine Occasu Roast Hip of Beef" and "Notwithstanding
Spinach Salad with James Barry Special Dressing" -- now there's an in-joke
for Canadianists -- but come home with remarkable trophies from the auction.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca