Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, April 12, 1994

STATUS OF WOMEN:  The provost is today making public a 55-page report on
"The Status of Women at the University of Waterloo", prepared by the Advisory
Council on Academic Human Resources, which is chaired by Phyllis Forsyth of
the classical studies department.  Copies are being sent to department
chairs and heads, and other officers across the university.

"This report," says the provost's memo, "contains many recommendations for
action to create a more supportive environment for women at UW.

"Section E of the report . . . concerns policy and procedures for dealing
with harassment and discrimination.  I am referring this section to the
Provost's Ad Hoc Committee on Harassment and Discrimination whose membership
will be announced shortly.

"Three members of the Executive Council have agreed to assist me in
developing a response to the remaining sections of the report.  Written
comments are invited and may be sent to me or to Jeanne Kay (Dean, Faculty 
of Environmental Studies), Jack Kalbfleisch (Dean, Faculty of Mathematics),
or Peter Hopkins (Associate Provost, Student Affairs) by June 30, 1994."

The full report will be made available on UWinfo, under the Daily Bulletin
heading.  It should be there later today.

AUTHORS INVITED:  The Friends of the Library "are planning an event to
honour UW writers", says a message from Mary Stanley of the library office.
"We invite all UW writers who have had a book published in 1993 to send a
copy. . . .  These books will be displayed on campus for the month of
May, and writers who contribute books will be invited to attend a special
event."  The event is a reception, hosted by UW president James Downey, on
May 9, after a noon-hour lecture by one of the authors, Michael Higgins of
St. Jerome's College.  He'll be speaking in the Theatre of the Arts about
"his experiences as a writer, including his adventures and misadventures
in libraries", and everyone is welcome.

Mary Stanley would be glad to hear from faculty, staff, student and alumni
authors.  She is at ext. 6019, e-mail liboff22@watserv1.

STAFF VACANCIES:  Two notices from the staff association nominating committee
arrived too late to be reflected in this week's Gazette.  The committee is
looking for one representative and one alternate on the Committee of Inquiry
on Staff Grievances, and one representative and one alternate on the Pension
and Benefits Committee.  Applications should be sent to Karen Musselman of
the economics department, who chairs the nominating committee.  The deadline 
is April 20 for the grievance committee, April 22 for the pension and 
benefits committee.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca