Daily Bulletin, Thursday, April 7, 1994

TALKING ABOUT MONEY:  University presidents (including Waterloo's James
Downey) and other officials are gathering in Toronto today to meet with
the Ontario Council on University Affairs.  They'll hear about the "resource
allocation review" that the OCUA has been asked to do this year -- a study,
unanimously opposed by universities, of possible changes to the way the
government's $1.8 billion is divided among the 22 universities in Ontario.

There's a chance they will also hear more details about grants for 1994-95.
The province has said there will be no new cuts to its total spending on
universities in the coming year, but we're still waiting for information on
how much of the money is going to be earmarked for special purposes, how
much is available for general distribution, and exactly how it will be
divided.  Some universities hae been growing, and others (such as Waterloo)
getting smaller: the effect of enrolment on 1994-95 grants isn't quite clear.

BOOKS ARE DUE:  Books on "term loan" from UW's libraries are due next
Wednesday, April 13.  If you're returning them, you should plan to do it
before then, and the library advises that if you're renewing books you should
also act early, to avoid long lineups on Wednesday.

HONOURED TODAY:  The faculty of arts celebrates its 22 Distinguished
Teacher Award winners today, unveiling their pictures along with a plaque
in the second-floor lobby of the Humanities building.  A reception from 
4 to 6 p.m. in room 280 marks the occasion.

Being honoured in a different way tonight are six faculty and staff members
who are retiring from the biology department.  Frank Brookfield, Bryce
Kendrick, Paul Morrison, Erwin "Dutch" Dumbroff, Pat Dumbroff and John Morton
are the guests of honour for a 4 p.m. reception in the Flamingo Room of
South Campus Hall.  A dinner (by reservation) follows -- the menu, from
the kitchens of UW's food services, includes chicken breast supreme, roast
prime rib, and poached salmon in mornay sauce.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca