Daily Bulletin, Monday, April 4, 1994

GREETINGS on a birthday, first of all, to Herbert Fernando of the biology
department.  And CONGRATULATIONS to David Conrath, of the management
sciences department, who has been named dean of the Michael G. DeGroote
School of Business at McMaster University; he leaves UW as of July 1 to
take on that new challenge in Hamilton.

TALKING SUMMER:  More than 40 departments "actively participated" in
Thursday's "Think Summer Day", says Pat Cunningham of the development office.
They raised more than $900 for the senate scholarship fund and for projects
in Campaign Waterloo.  Special praise goes to the correspondence office,
which pitched in $108 for the Correspondence Resource Fund at the instigation
of departmental representatives Meredith McGinnis and Donna Moser.

Cunningham says at least 62 departments participated in the raffle ticket
sales, raising $1,448 for the Fund. Heather Smith and her colleagues in 
psychology bought 100 tickets which they hope will be lucky.  The winner of 
two nights in Toronto will be drawn this morning by the Community Campaign 
co-chairs, Judy McCrae and Peter Woolstencroft.  

VISITING WATERLOO this morning is a busload of students from the Grand River
Polytechnic Institute on the Six Nations Reserve near Brantford.  These are
the students who have been taking a first-year university program there,
offered jointly by UW and five other universities.  They're on campus for
tours and the final class and laboratory in Computer Science 100, one of the
courses Waterloo has been offering at the Six Nations.  Between classes and
tours, they'll be lunching in the Davis Centre.

COURSE SCHEDULES: It'll be another few days before the course schedule for 
the spring term is available, either in printed form or on-line through UWinfo. So says Jim Boniface of the registrar's office, who notes that the schedule 
is "in a state of flux" because timetabling officers in the academic 
departments are still changing their minds about which courses they want to 
offer and when. "It would be giving false information to students" to post a 
schedule before things are settled, he said. The first run of individual 
schedules is expected to come off the computer this weekend, along with a 
more or less reliable full list of courses and times.

ROYAL TRUST GIFT:  Royal Trust, now part of the Royal Bank Group, has
announced a five-year gift of $100,000 to Campaign Waterloo.  The firm said
the money is "to support excellence in education"; there was no specific
announcement of what project it will help to fund.

NET WORK TONIGHT:  The national men's volleyball team comes to Waterloo
tonight for an exhibition game against Russia's Samotlor Club team.  The
volleyball game starts at 7 p.m. in the Physical Activities Complex; tickets
are $8 from the athletics department, phone ext. 3302.

HONOURING TEACHERS: The dean of arts and the Arts Alumni Group are inviting 
faculty, staff, students and alumni from the faculty of arts to a wine and 
cheese reception on Thursday to honour 22 Distinguished Teacher Award winners 
in arts.  It runs from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in Hagey Hall 280. Photos of winners 
and a commemorative plaque will be unveiled at about 4:45 p.m.  RSVP's to 
Maureen Cairney ext. 5782 are due by the end of today.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca