Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, September 28, 1994

SOME PEOPLE will have read in yesterday's Bulletin that the deadline for
comments on changes to Policy 18, about staff layoffs, was yesterday.  My
mistake was quickly corrected: the deadline is today.  Comments on the
proposal, as discussed in last week's Gazette (and again in today's), can
be sent to Dianne Scheiffele in the university secretariat, Needles Hall.

RETIREMENT PARTY:  The electrical and computer engineering department, as
represented by Donna O'Brecht, sends word that "Friends and colleagues of 
John Hanson and Edwin Heasell are invited to a retirement reception planned 
in their honour.  They both retired from the E&CE department in the spring 
of 1994, but will continue their association with the department as adjunct 
professors."  The reception is today starting at 4 p.m. in Davis Centre
room 1301.  Last-minute information and gift contributions: Monica
Ruppert, ext. 3387.

WATER SHUTDOWN:  Here's a reminder that water will be shut off in South
Campus Hall and parts of Engineering I (wings A and B, if you know where
that is) from 3 p.m. to midnight today.

OPENING TOMORROW:  The department of computing services is going to open
its new Customer Support Centre tomorrow, in room 1052 of the Math and
Computer building.  The grand opening celebration happens at 3 p.m.
What does the CSC have, besides initials that are confusing the recursions
out of the Computer Science Club?  "You will be able to obtain first-level
computing support; register for a DCS computer account; add money to terminal
server or laser printing account; obtain black & white or colour laser
printing; get your computer repaired; purchase supplies; obtain site-licenced
software and shareware; register for DCS courses."

SUN OF A BEACH:  So many people don't know where UW is, that maybe we 
should move it.  On Monday the Toronto Star spoke of "the University of
Waterloo in Kitchener" -- and even the Ontario government put out
a news release not long ago with the same phrase.  Then there are all the
folks who call us "Waterloo University", city unknown.  Had enough of
these slights?  And dreading the Waterloo winter weather that will be
upon us ere long?  Let's start a campaign to have this university moved --
lock, stock and creek -- to a suitable site in Bermuda.  Petitions will
be created as soon as somebody figures out a few details.  

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca