Daily Bulletin, Friday, September 23, 1994 DEVELOPMENT AND ALUMNI: No "acting director" is being named in the alumni affairs office, following the departure of director Joy Roberts this week. The department's twin, the development office, is already running with an acting director, Linda Kieswetter, who has been filling in since the departure of director Don Livingston several months ago (he's now at York University). The vice-president (university relations), Roger Downer, said yesterday that it will certainly be necessary to hire some new people, with both offices short of senior staff, but he's not rushing to reorganize. For the time being, Downer said, he is taking the role of "campaign director" for Campaign Waterloo himself. And university librarian Murray Shepherd has been seconded "to spend full-time in the South Campus Hall offices" for the next three months, Downer said. The staff won't be reporting to him; rather, he'll act as a "facilitator . . . to help build teams and get people working in a harmonious manner". AT THE LIBRARY: In Shepherd's absence, Mike Ridley, the associate librarian (systems), becomes acting university librarian. "Some additional changes in library structure may be necessary in the next few days and weeks," Shepherd told library staff in a memo yesterday. "Mike will announce these changes as they become clearly defined." COMING TO CAMPUS: Distance education students from as far away as Moose Jaw will be visiting the campus today and Saturday. Today they can attend workshops on "Preparing for Exams" (Sally Melville) and "Acknowledging Sources in Academic Writing" (Paul Beam). There will also be a lunch at the Laurel Room and a Social Hour at the University Club (4-6 p.m.). Distance Education instructors and markers are invited to join in the fun. On Saturday, the distance Ed students take over the Davis Centre, with book sales and two workshops on research skills. One is on academic research (Mary Ferguson, librarian, and Sheila Ager, classical studies professor) and has the catchy title "Will the Real Cleopatra Please Stand Up?"; the second is about career research (Kerry Mahoney, career information centre). Meanwhile, courses and services for distance education students will be on display in the great hall (9 to 11 a.m.). Lunch follows at Federation Hall. NEWEST ROCKS: On Sunday at the rock garden between Biology and Math and Computer, a skarn rock will be unveiled as a memorial to an engineering graduate who was killed in a car accident last year. The rock, with garnets, pyrite and pyroxene from the Marmora area, is a memorial to Jack Celej. Two other rocks from Marmora donated by the UW earth sciences department were dedicated earlier this week. MUSIC THIS WEEKEND: Talk about opposites! Saturday night, the Irish Rovers play in the Humanities Theatre, brought in by the Federation of Students; the Humanities box office (888-4908) has tickets. Sunday afternoon at 3, it's high elegance at Wilfrid Laurier University, with Maureen Forrester herself headlining a benefit concert as the WLU faculty of music names its recital hall in her honour. Tickets for that one are $100 to $1,000, with most of the money going into a scholarship fund. (The Irish Rovers, on the other hand, run just $20.25.) ALSO HAPPENING: The St. Jerome's Centre for Catholic Experience starts its 1994-95 program with a talk tonight on "Homing the Sacred and Birthing the Holy", by therapist and spiritual director Doreen Kostynuik. Information: 884-8110 ext. 219. The Centre for Applied Health Research holds a workshop today on "Getting Started" in health promotion activity. Luncheon speaker (at the Waterloo Inn) is Mark Lalonde, former federal minister of health and welfare. Conrad Grebel College holds a "service of welcome" Sunday at 7 p.m. for its interim president, Ernie Regehr, who heads Project Ploughshares and is an adjunct professor of peace and conflict studies at Grebel. He's heading the college for about a year while the next president is sought. Chris Redmond Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo 888-4567 ext. 3004 credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca