Daily Bulletin, Thursday, September 22, 1994

THROUGH THE FOG we see the last full day of summer, and I have on my desk
what I sure hope is not the last rose of summer.  Fall officially begins
at 2:19 a.m. Waterloo time on Friday, -- I wish somebody would explain
why the autumnal equinox, which we all think of as coming on September 21,
is as late as the 23rd this year.

ALUMNI DIRECTOR:  Joy Roberts, UW's director of alumni affairs since 1982,
"will be leaving her position effective immediately", a brief statement
from the vice-president (university relations) said yesterday.  Roberts 
has also been acting director of Campaign Waterloo since the departure of
Don Livingston as director of development last spring.  The statement from
vice-president Roger Downer noted that Roberts is a PhD candidate in UW's
English department, "and we wish her every success in this and other
future endeavours."  

VOLUNTEERS WANTED:  The local Volunteer Action Centre (742-8610) has these
listings at present:

     Clowns/face painters -- The VAC, with support from Manulife
     Financial, Country 570, and Cadillac Fairview, is holding the annual
     Volunteer Fair, enhancing community awareness and volunteer
     recruitment for more than 40 agencies.  You can be part of the
     action by volunteering to paint children's faces or dress up as
     clowns and hand out candles to children in a mall.  The event is
     held October 14-15; help is need for three hours either Friday
     evening or Saturday between 9:30 and 5.  Listing 102-280

     Volunteer driver -- Assistance is needed for a lady who has a
     visual impairment, and her two sons, one of whom has a developmental
     handicap.  Transportation is required to music therapy at Wilfrid
     Laurier University from the Pioneer Park area on Saturday
     mornings.  Therapy sessions last about 45 minutes.  This woman 
     could also use the services of a volunteer to drive her to
     week-night activities on occasion.  Listing 034-767

MECHANICAL ENGINEERS gather at UW today to discuss "the training of
engineers for the Year 2000".  The one-day event, being held in Davis Centre
room 1302, is jointly sponsored by UW's mech eng department and the Canadian
Society for Mechanical Engineering.   Opening speaker, at 9:15, is Tom
Brzustowski, former UW vice-president (academic), and now deputy minister
for the Premier's Council in the Ontario government.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca