Daily Bulletin, Thursday, September 8, 1994

FACULTY DEVELOPMENT DAYS are happening today and tomorrow: a series of
workshops for professors new and less new.  This morning at 9, UW president
James Downey and faculty association president Jim Brox will talk about
"Accountability and University Autonomy".  At 10:45, a panel addresses
"Nifty Ideas for Your Class".  At 1:00, it's "Inclusivity in the Classroom",
and at 2:30 it's the annual panel on "Balancing Teaching, Research and
Personal Lives".  The 9 a.m. event is in Math and Computer room 2065,
and for the rest of the day the program moves upstairs to room 4059.  The
audio-visual centre offers a demonstration next door (room 4058) from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. of PictureTel, a dial-up videoconferencing system.  The 
day's activities end with a wine and cheese party from 4 to 6 at the 
University Club.  

Tomorrow, Faculty Development Days continue with "Strategies for Teaching
in a Large Classroom", at 9 a.m., and "Strategies for Handling Disruptions
in Large Classes", at 10:45.  Location for both panels: Davis Centre room 1351.

Another special event for faculty members is coming up: a workshop on 
research, next Tuesday from 8:30 to noon.  The UW office of research will
explain its own workings and the workings of the national research granting
councils.  While the event is primarily for new professors, who had better be 
thinking about getting their research programs underway, everybody is
welcome, says a memo from Joan Hadley and Susan Sykes of the research
office.  Information: phone ext. 6040.

NEW STUDENTS, meanwhile, continue to get oriented.  Social events seem to
predominate on today's schedule (applied health sciences will get "Wet and
Wild" at Columbia Field this afternoon) and nearly everybody's preparing
for a Scunt, or scavenger hunt, tonight.  "Single and Sexy" is on at
11:30, 1:30 and 3:30 in the Theatre of the Arts.

It's registration day in the Physical Activities Complex for mathematics
students (this morning) and applied health sciences students this afternoon
(let's hope the first-year ones aren't too wild and wet to be allowed 

Here's some perceptive advice from the registrar's office:  "If an 
address change only is required, an address change card should be used."
And here's some advice from the library: changing your address with the
registrar's office doesn't change the library's files.  So that your recall 
notices and other exciting mail from the library will get to you, and
you won't incur nasty fines, you should advise the library (at the
circulation desk) when you change your address.

FOR MATURE STUDENTS:  We had an awkward typographical error in yesterday's
Gazette, announcing that the non-credit "starter" course for mature
students was to begin on "Wednesday, September 10".  Ain't no such day.
The course starts next Wednesday, September 14, running from 7 to 10 p.m.
Anybody interested can get more information from Issy Mackay in the
mature student services office, phone ext. 2429.

SAYING FAREWELL:  A retirement reception for Gord Ambrose, late of the
registrar's office and correspondence office, is set for today in the
Festival Room of South Campus Hall, from 4 to 6 p.m.

Friends of Leo Jabs, who's just retired after a long career in the central
plant, will be dining with him tonight at the Black Forest Inn.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca