Daily Bulletin, Tuesday, September 6, 1994

HAPPY NEW YEAR, whether you're taking note of Rosh Hashanah (today and
tomorrow, the Jewish new year) or just observing the beginning of a fall
term.  It's also the day food services raised the price of coffee, and
the day on-campus mail service goes back to normal after the reduced
delivery schedule of the summer.

RECORDED MUSIC was wafting none too gently across campus at eight o'clock
this morning, which means orientation events are under way.  The highlight
today is the annual pep rally in the main gym of the Physical Activities
Complex, starting at 12 noon.  The Federation of Students is the sponsor,
and Fed leaders will welcome UW's new students; the cheerleaders will also
likely figure prominently.  And would somebody drop me a note this afternoon,
please, to say which of the deans and other top brass was most in the 
screaming spirit of the event.  After the pep rally, thousands of
first-year students will pose for a mass picture on the Village Green.

Also today: lab coat tie-dyeing for science students, a semi-formal dance
at St. Jerome's, pizza in Poets Pub for engineering, and so on and on. 
There are performances of "Single and Sexy" in the Theatre of the Arts at
1:30, 3:30 and 5:30 -- all welcome, free.

AND REGISTRATION has begun in the small gym of the Physical Activities Complex
(9 a.m. to 4 p.m.).  If possible, students are supposed to register on this
schedule: science this morning; engineering this afternoon; arts Wednesday
morning; environmental studies and independent studies Wednesday afternoon;
mathematics Thursday morning; applied health sciences Thursday afternoon;
"all students unable to make the above schedule", Friday.

New students can get their photo ID cards in Math and Computer room 1056
this week.  Next week, ID card production returns to the registrar's office
in Needles Hall.

Graduate students are registering at the cashier's office in Needles Hall,
where the lineup is already along the corridor as far as the elevator.  Of
course some of those people may be seeking the cashiers for other purposes:
to buy lab breakage cards, for instance.

The English Language Proficiency Exam will be given on Wednesday in the
PAC.  Suggested schedule:  engineering students at 9:30, arts students at
1:00, science students at 2:30, ES, AHS and math students at 4:00.

STUDENT FEES:  A memo was issued Friday by the Student Services Advisory
Committee, which includes students and UW officials, to report on its
work so far. It's addressed to all UW students.  Here's the text:

     When a new Student Services fee was agreed to last year, it was decided
     that an advisory committee should be put in place to provide direct 
     student input re the level and quality of student services at UW.  The 
     Student Services Advisory Committee (SSAC) is now established and has 
     begun to meet.  The full terms of reference of the Committee are on 
     UWinfo and are also available from the offices of the Federation of 
     Students, the Graduate Student Association and the Secretariat.
     In discharging its responsibilities, SSAC will:  work to ensure wide
     dissemination of information about student services, proposed changes in
     fees, and the allocation of the revenues; consult widely with the student
     body; encourage open discussion and debate about student services and
     proposed fee changes; acknowledge and consider input about student 
     services and proposed fee changes.
     SSAC held its first meeting on Tuesday, August 9, 1994.  Among other
     things, SSAC reviewed, in detail, its terms of reference and the 
     principles guiding the calculation of an ancillary fee for student 
     services; these documents are available from the Secretary of the 
     Committee, Dianne Scheifele, Secretariat, Needles Hall (extension 3183 
     or via e-mail: dscheif@provost-admin) upon request. 
     As a first step in carrying out its mandate, the Committee decided to 
     meet with the Directors of units which provide non-academic student 
     services. This meeting was held on August 29, 1994 and included 
     presentations from the Directors of the following areas:  Athletics; 
     Personal Counselling; Health & Safety; Career Services; English Language 
     Proficiency Program; and the Walksafe Program.  
     SSAC will meet regularly during the fall and winter terms.  Questions and
     comments for SSAC's consideration are welcome at any time and should be
     directed to the Committee Secretary (as noted above).
     Activity updates will be issued as the work of the Committee progresses.

ALSO TODAY:  An organizational meeting for a new vegetarian club will be
held today at 2:30, says instigator Eric Davies.  Location: Davis Centre
room 3548.  The plan is to start regular events with a potluck supper
September 19.  Davies can be reached at ejdavies@cgl, or phone ext. 4548.

The Waterloo Christian Fellowship and several other Christian groups will
hold a joint "Praise and Worship Night" in the great hall of Conrad Grebel
College from 7 to 9 tonight.  All are welcome.  Information: 886-8728.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca