Daily Bulletin, Friday, September 2, 1994

AREN'T WE JUST ready for a long weekend?  Sympathies to the staff
association crowd who planned to start it off with a trip to the SkyDome
tonight -- the baseball strike has wiped out that Blue Jays game along
with dozens of others.  Well, the football Warriors will be playing
anyway, tomorrow afternoon at Concordia University in Montreal.

Now the official stuff:  Monday, September 5, is Labour Day, a legal 
holiday; UW offices and most services will be closed.  The UW police can 
be reached as usual at 888-4911 (on campus, ext. 4911).  Maintenance 
emergencies can be reported, 24 hours a day, to ext. 3793.  The Campus 
Centre will be open, as always.

UW's libraries will be closed Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

THEY'RE COMING:  Monday won't be a day of rest for everybody -- by no
means!  It's the day most new first-year students, and a fair number of
returning students, arrive on campus, find their homes in the Villages and
start living the life of the fall term.  They can also hit the bookstore
and UW Shop, which will be open from noon to 4 p.m. Monday.

The annual Parents' Reception will take place in Federation Hall from 10
a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday.  Says a flyer: "Representatives from Alumni Affairs,
Athletics, Co-operative Education and Career Services, Counselling
Services, Health and Safety, Residences, Federation of Students, UW
Police, and from each of the Faculties will be on hand to answer 
questions.  Your parents can ask about things like course selection,
Co-op jobs, career opportunities, residence life, and campus safety."
UW president James Downey and Federation of Students president Steve
Codrington will speak at 11:30 and again at 1:30.  Parking is free on
Monday in lots R, M and J near the Villages and Fed Hall.

"Single and Sexy", the collective play about sexual attitudes, will
have one performance Monday, at 2 p.m. in the Theatre of the Arts.  It's
also being performed at 1:30 today, with a guaranteed audience of Village
dons and others who will then tell first-year students about it next
week.  Everybody is welcome, and admission's free.  Denise Angove of
health services, the keeper of "Single and Sexy" since it began five
years ago, is particularly delighted that the show is going on the road
this year -- to Wilfrid Laurier University next Wednesday, all the way
to Bishop's University in Lennoxville, Quebec, on September 10.

L'SHONA TOVA:  Early greetings to all who will be celebrating Rosh
Hashanah, the Jewish new year; it begins at sundown Monday evening, and
will send observant Jews to shul rather than to school on the morning
after Labour Day.

GONE INTO HISTORY:  Since primaeval days, UW's computing services has
offered a centrally located pen plotter service, and at one time it was
heavily used.  But the microcomputer world has made pen plotters close to
obsolete, and it was an expensive service to maintain.  Result: the central
pen plotter was powered down for the last time on Wednesday.  "Another
milestone passes," says Steve Breen of DCS.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca