Daily Bulletin, Thursday, September 1, 1994

SUMMER PASSED in the blink of an eye, and here we are in the mellow month 
when New Year's really ought to be celebrated. September is also, according
to that invaluable book Chase's Annual Events, "Be Kind to Editors and
Writers Month", so please govern yourself accordingly.  It's also National
Bed Check Month, and I don't think there's any connection.

ORIENTATION events will keep the campus hopping next week.  I haven't
received much in the way of schedules and information yet, but I do know
that the usual parents' reception will be happening Monday, Labour Day,
in Federation Hall.

And "Single and Sexy" is back, the play about sexual behaviour and campus
life, with eight performances in the Theatre of the Arts.  The first one
is tomorrow, Friday, at 1:30 p.m..  Monday showtime is 2 p.m.; Tuesday
it's 1:30, 3:30 and 5:30.

COMING in the next little while:

     The English Proficiency Examination, for students who haven't met
     their faculty's requirement, next Wednesday, September 7.  Engineering
     students can write at 9:30 a.m.; arts, 1 p.m.; science, 2:30;
     ES, AHS and mathematics, 4 p.m.

     Open house for correspondence (distance education) students Friday
     and Saturday, September 23-24.

     25th anniversary celebrations for the systems design engineering
     department, Friday, September 30.   Scheduled are a barbecue,
     department tours, a general meeting in which "Graduates are invited
     to share their experiences with current students," cocktails and
     a banquet.

FOOD CARDS:  If you'll be wanting a Value Plus card for convenience and
discounts at food services outlets, today or tomorrow might be a fine time
to get it, from the food services offices in the Commissary.  The camera
and card-making crew will be busy next week issuing new cards to students
moving into the Village residences, and the week after that will see a 
"roving camera" on campus, says Mark Murdoch, manager of food services.

The Commissary building?  Well, that's the official name of the rectangular
brick building at the northeast corner of campus, near the smokestack and
the railway tracks, that houses food services and the UW Police.  Some of
us think of it as part of the General Services Complex, but a possibly
reliable source says no, they're officially separate buildings.

VOLUNTEERS WANTED:  The Volunteer Action Centre downtown has these
listings this week:

     Council secretary -- A secretary is needed to serve on a council for
     the local division of a movement which is geared to the development 
     of young people.  The secretary will keep minutes and present an
     annual report to the district council.  Meetings are held in the
     evening; a commitment of one year is required.  Listing 122-981.

     Front line crisis support worker -- Volunteers are needed to work
     on a 24-hour crisis line for women who have been sexually assaulted,
     either recently or in the past.  You may also accompany victims to
     the hospital, police station or court.  Twelve three-hour evenings
     of training are mandatory.  This is an opportunity to work with a
     strong, safe, supportive, grassroots feminist organization.
     Listing 035-724.

The VAC can be reached at 742-8610 for more information.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca