Daily Bulletin, Monday, October 31, 1994

HALLOWE'EN IS HERE -- the day when graves stand tenantless, and the sheeted
dead do squeak and gibber in the streets, demanding Mars Bars.  I haven't
heard yet about UW offices with costumed staff this morning, but there 
are always a few witches and klingons to be spotted.

What the campus really needs, though, is a good new ghost story.  One 
April Fool's Day, the Gazette invented a few campus myths and published
them -- including an Indian maiden who drowned herself for love in Laurel 
Lake (the one below Conrad Grebel), and a ghost in the Dana Porter elevators, 
which do seem to have a non-human intelligence.  Some people were actually
so frightened by the latter story that I had to disavow it in writing a
day or two later.  For other ghosts, there's always Jim Gardner's short
story "The Phantom of the Operator", published years ago in the alumni
magazine.  We could use more: the headless hacker of the Davis Centre
balconies, or something.

Anyway, the UW Shop has an update on the results of its pumpkin-carving 
contest.  Friday's Bulletin reported the names of three winners, but latest 
word is that there was actually a tie for third prize: Julie Thompson, whose 
name we did mention Friday, and Marian Davies, of the user services department
in the Dana Porter Library.

FORUM ON CO-OP:  SAC, or Students Advising Co-op, will hold an open forum
for students tomorrow, Tuesday, from 11:30 to 1:30 in Davis Centre room 1302.
Gerald Kirk, the math student representative on SAC, says the event will
involve presentations from representatives of the co-op department about
such things as co-op fees, on-line information access, jobs, and changes
to the co-op system.  If you have questions, you can get in touch with
SAC members:

     Chairperson -- Barb Smith, b3smith@systems.watstar
     Math -- Gerald Kirk, gjkirk@undergrad.math
     Science -- Christine O'Leary, coleary@science
                Joe Ulvr, jlulvr@electrical
     Engineering -- Dave Thomson, da2thoms@mechanical
                    Dave Lander, djlander@electrical
                    Steve Peplinski, sppeplin@mechanical
     AHS -- Liz Johnstone, ejjohnst@ahs.watstar
            Ryan Collins, rpcollin@ahs.watstar

MBA DAY TOMORROW:  From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. tomorrow, Tuesday, students 
interested in Master of Business Administration studies can drop in at the
Davis Centre foyer and pick up information from some 15 graduate schools
of business.  Representatives from many of them, including Queen's, Toronto,
British Columbia and Dalhousie will be on hand.  The event is co-sponsored
by UW's career resource centre and its equivalent at Wilfrid Laurier

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca