Daily Bulletin, Wednesday, October 26, 1994

STUDENT MOURNED:  Pirabakaran Balendran, a second-year electrical
engineering student, died Friday as the result of illness.  He was
spending a work term in Toronto, and is particularly missed by colleagues
in UW's Tamil Students Association.  The funeral service is being held
today at 1 p.m. at the Ogden Funeral Home in Scarborough.

STAFF ASSOCIATION president Sharon Adams sends a reminder: nominations
for the group's 1995 executive are due by this Friday.  (If you need a
nomination form, you can call the office, ext. 3566.)  President of the
association for next year will be Sharon Lamont of the Davis Centre library,
but the group is in search of a president-elect (to be president in 1996)
as well as a secretary, a treasurer, a vice-president and directors.
"We need lots of good volunteers," says Adams.  "We need people who have
things to say!"

HAPPENING TODAY:  High school students and their parents are visiting campus 
today for the  second in a series of tour and information days, coordinated 
by the secondary school liaison office.

The Bell Canada Software Reliability Laboratory will be officially
launched with celebrations starting at 1:30 in the ICR lounge, off the
great hall of the Davis Centre.

Federation Hall offers a "Micro Brewery Trade Show" from 1 to 8 p.m. (and
again tomorrow) -- "a chance to sample beer from all the little guys".

OPTICS GROUP:  A local branch of the Optical Society of America is being
organized, says Melanie Campbell of UW's optometry school, noting that
interest in optics extends not just to many people in optometry but to
physics, engineering, and other parts of the university, as well as nearby
institutions and industries.  Students are welcome as well as faculty
-- indeed, one of the group's purpose is "exposure of students interested 
in optics to industry activities".  Educational activities in local
schools are also contemplated, as well as scientific interchange.

An organizational meeting is set for Monday, November 7, at 7 p.m. in the 
Peters Building at Wilfrid Laurier University, room P1021.  All are welcome.  
Campbell can be reached at ext. 6273 for more information.

FINALLY:  Linda Norton, director of graphic services, says the meeting of
her department's staff that was announced for next Monday morning has been
cancelled, and so copy centres will not be closed that morning after all.

Chris Redmond
Information and Public Affairs, University of Waterloo
888-4567 ext. 3004      credmond@watserv1.uwaterloo.ca